-9- "You Didn't See That Coming?"

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A/N: In my version of events in this book, some lines may change. For example of what's going to happen, Steve is going to tell Indiana "Language," rather than Tony. So don't comment things like "But he said that" or "She said that." I know who said what. This is my story. If you have a problem with it, go write your own (but don't steal my plot).

2 Year Later, April 28th, 2015

The Avengers, including Iron Girl, had found the location of HYDRA's main research base in Sokovia to retrieve Loki's scepter. As Natasha Romanoff was driving an ultra light vehicle , Clint Barton was shooting arrows at the HYDRA soldiers. Two HYDRA robots attacked the truck, but Natasha kicked one of them off whilst Iron Man arrived and took out the other.

The other ultra light vehicle that belong to HYDRA reached the Avengers', and pointed a blaster at them. Before the soldier could blast it, Thor arrived and knocked the soldier out of the vehicle with his hammer. 

Thor flew to one of the guard towers that had four HYDRA soldiers standing on top of it. The soldiers started shooting at the God of Thunder, but it was useless. Thor punched and kicked those four soldiers off of the tower. Some other HYDRA robots came flying towards Thor, but he punched them until they all were down.

Thor jumped down, taking out one of the steel parts of the guard tower and used it as a weapon against the HYDRA soldiers that were trying to attack him.

Steve Rogers came in, his shield to his back, with his badass motorcycle and ran over two of the soldiers that were attacking Thor. He grabbed one of the soldiers and threw him over the forest trees. He grabbed his shield and threw it as it cut three trees, making them fall over a few soldiers that were ahead of him. He kicked one of the soldiers that had survived out of his way as his shield came back to him.

Another HYDRA ultra light vehicle was coming towards Captain, but he drove past it whilst Thor crushed the car, and Hulk grabbed the crushed piece of vehicle, gave a loud roar, before throwing it over the long trees, and started attacking other soldiers.

Father and daughter Stark were attacking the HYDRA bots that were in their way. Tony looked at Indiana.

"Try and break into that facility," said Tony.

"Okay," said Indiana as she flew up to the facility. She stared at the facility as she went towards it. In her opinion, it looked like a castle. She was almost there, and she was planning to break in through the window, but before she hit the glass, a force field caused her to lose control off her suit. 

"Shit!" cursed Indiana as she gained control again.

"Language!" said Steve through the group headphones (A/N: I don't know what to call it T-T) "Jarvis what's the view from upstairs?"

"The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield. Strucker's technology is way beyond any HYDRA base we've taken," replied Jarvis whilst Indiana was flying over the building to find something.

"Loki's scepter must be here. Stucker couldn't make these defenses without it," said Thor. "At long last."

"That long last is taking a bit long, boys... and Diana," said Natasha.

Indiana couldn't help but smile through the fact of how awkward it sometimes gets. Natasha was the only girl in the team before Indiana arrived, and it's funny how she sometimes forgets Indiana is there.

"Yeah, I think we lost the element of surprise," said Clint.

Indiana went down back at her father and fought side by side with him. They changed spots, Tony went to look for a way in instead. She felt a blast hitting her left hand. It didn't hurt much because of the armor, but she felt like it hit her watch.

"Wait a second, is no one going to deal with the fact that Cap said "Language"?" said Indiana.

"I know," said Steve, pausing for five seconds to fight and then continued, "just slipped out."

Indiana stopped to take a breath, near some kind of door that looked like it leaded to a basement or dungeon. She heard a weird zipping sound. It was familiar, but she couldn't remember where she had heard it before. She came out of the tree she was hiding  and held up her blaster, yet the fighting scene seemed deserted. She saw something and blasted at it, but it sped away.

Indiana froze in shock as she remembered where she had heard the zipping sound before.


She quickly went back before the tree. Her eyes wide open, thinking of what she had just seen. It was impossible of Peter being here. Even so, working for HYDRA.

She came out of hiding and took off her helmet. She looked around of what she thought was Peter, but no one was there. She heard the sound of soldiers and brought her right arm up to blast them, when something hit her and she fell on the ground, the white snow sticking on her green suit.

She tried to stand up when she saw the source of the zipping sound. It was a tall man. Almost as tall as Peter was, though it had been two years. He had a thin layer of facial hair, white hair, and was wearing sports gear, as if he came from a gym exercise. 

As he walked past Indiana, he said, "You didn't see that coming?" He had an accent as well. He sped away, leaving Indiana with many questions.

He and Peter looked so different, but Indiana still felt a connection between him and Peter.

"Wesley, who was that?" said Indiana to her AI.

"P-tr-ro M-im-f," said Wesley, lagging for no reason. Indiana cursed under her breath, before putting her helmet back, a flew back towards the base. She somehow found a way in and contacted her father.

"Dad, I'm in," said Indiana.

"I got that. I hit the power source and it-" said Tony but was cut off by Indiana.

"Not now, dad," said Indiana, in annoyance.

"Okay, sorry," said Tony. "Try to find the scepter. I'll be there to help you."

Indiana heard footsteps behind her. She turned to see who was there.

"Wanda?" said Indiana in shock. The girl who looked like Wanda panicked and put her hand on Indiana's temples. With a gasp, all she could see was black. At first she thought she died, but there was no light.

"Indiana," said a familiar voice. Indiana turned to face behind her, but nothing was there. "Indiana!" said the voice again, clearer, and louder. but this time she could make out whose voice it was.

"Peter?" said Indiana, her voice shaking. Indiana turned around, trying to find something in the darkness.

Suddenly, a bright light flashed in front of her, causing her to cover her eyes. After a few seconds, she looked at the light. It had started fading, and showed a body lying down on the blank floor. The silver-haired boy lied there motionless. His eyes open as if he had seen a ghost.

"Peter!" exclaimed Indiana and ran towards the petrified body. She fell on her knees beside the body, shaking it whilst mumbling his name. Tears were rushing down her cheeks when she noticed bullet holes in his stomach. She furrowed her eyebrows before her eyes opened with a small gasp leaving her mouth.

"Diana?" said Tony as Indiana opened her eyes. She could feel the tears that were welled up in her eyes. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Yeah I'm fine," said Indiana before putting her helmet back on.

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