-11- "He Said The Bad Language Word"

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A/N: From this chapter on there will be a lot of time skips from chapter to chapter so if you're not aware of the Age Of Ultron plotline this might get confusing.

Peter lied in his bed, eyes open, staring at the ceiling. It's been more than a year that he had held the dead body of Indiana before it disappeared. As his eyes shut, he fell into his dreams

The laughter of some on came into ears. It sounded amused and slightly drunk. It was a house, a huge one. A table in the middle with four or five couches around it. A beautiful face of a brown-haired girl came to view, chuckling and then smirking.

"But it's a trick," said Indiana Stark, sitting down on the floor while her back rested on the couch. 

"Oh, no, it's much more than that," said the God of Thunder.

"Who's so whether be he worthy shall haveth the power," mocked Indiana with a deep voice and a fake British accent, pointing both her hands at a big hammer that was lying on the table filled with drinks. Then Indiana continued in her normal voice, "Whatever, man. It's just trick."

Thor laughed again. He pointed his hand at the hammer, "Please, be my guest."

The place went silent for a few seconds until Indiana spoke again. "Really?"

"Yeah," said Thor. Indiana stood up and slowly walked towards the hammer.

"Oh this is gonna be beautiful," said Rhodes, taking a sip of his beer.

"Diana, you had a rough week, we know, so we hold it against you if you can't hold it up," said Tony as the room filled with laughter.

Indiana turned to Thor she was arguing with and said, "You know I've seen  this before right?" and then grabbed the hammer. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't lift it up. 

"I still don't know how you do it," Indiana chuckled as a few other people did too.

"Still doesn't sound like judgment?" said Tony. Yet again, everyone laughed.

"Please, dad, by all means," said Indiana, insisting him on trying to pull up the hammer.

Tony stood up whilst the room filled up with different words and sounds: "Woo," "Alright," "Okay," "Uh-oh," "Mhm."

"Never want to shrink from an honest challenge," said Tony, as walked up to his daughter and tried to pull up the hammer. He held it in a way that if it was a normal heavy hammer it would at least move a little. "It's physics." He then continued and asked, "So if I lift it, I then rule Asgard?"

"Yes, of course," said the blonde man. Stark tried hard to pull the hammer whilst still talking.

"I will be re-instituting Prima Nocta," he said before he pulled the hammer. His facial expression showed that he was trying very hard, but yet the hammer didn't move. He then stopped, "Be right back,"

He came back with the arm part of his iron suit and tried to lift it with that. Yet, he still failed. Indiana helped him with her own arm part of her suit, but nothing happened.

"Are you even pulling?" said Indiana.

"Are you on my team?" said her father.

"Just represent, pull!" said Indiana.

After them everyone tried to pull it, but no one did... except for one person. 

"No pressure, Steve," said a girl that was sitting next to Indiana.

Steve stood up and went to the hammer. With the first pull, the hammer merely moved, but after that nothing happened.

Thor chuckled, "Nothing," before sipping on his beer.

"All deference to the man who wouldn't be king," said Tony. "But it's right."

"I bet your ass," said Clint.

"Oh, Steve," said the girl sitting beside Indiana, pointing at Clint whilst looking at Steve, "he said the bad language word."

Steve sighed and looked at Indiana, "Did you tell everyone about that?"

Indiana smiled and changed the subject. "It's a 'hand has imprint', right?" she said, looking at Thor. "Like a security code. 'Whose whoever carrying Thor's fingerprint' I think is the literal translation?"

"Yes, oh, well, that's a very, very interesting theory," said Thor. He stood and walked to his hammer, easily lifting it, without showing any heaviness that the hammer had. "I have a simple one," said Thor, throwing his hammer up and catching it again and continued, "you all are not worthy."

Everyone chuckled and pffted (A/N: if that's a thing). Soon after, a loud buzzing sound filled the room. Everyone covered their ears.

Peter opened his eyes, as if he was rather thinking than dreaming. He sighed before changing his lying position to a more comfortable one before actually falling asleep.

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