I love you❤️

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FP opened the bedroom door and let Alice enter the room first. He smiled as he watched her from behind. I am one lucky man, he thought.

He closed the door behind them and they walked to the end of the bed. They kissed again. A soft, passionate kiss. Alice felt FP's hands on her hips. She loved his big, strong hands on her. He stopped to look into her striking, blie eyes.

"I love you, Alice."

"I love you so much more, FP."

She slowly took off his t-shirt and he unbuttoned her blouse while still looking deep into her eyes. He took the blouse of and then slowly and softly caressed her arms up and down. The feeling of his hands on her gave her goosebumps. They kissed and he unclipped her bra and took it off.

He stood back to look at her. He couldn't believe how beautiful Alice was. He wanted her so bad.

He laid her on the bed and took her pants off, as well as her panties. He stared at her in amazement. How lucky can one man be, FP thought.

"You have too many clothes on, babe." Alice whispered, giving him a naughty smile.

He stood up from the bed and took his pants off while looking at her. The look she gave him made him crazy. Alice looked down and saw how excited FP was for her.

"Come here." She said, holding her arms open for him.

He laid on top of her and kisses her. She moaned softly. They broke free and looked straight into each other's eyes. Alice nodded and FP knew exactly what she wanted. He placed himself in between her legs and looked at her once again. She smiled. Alice gasped as FP entered her.

"Kiss me." She said, as he slowly began moving in and out of her. He obliged and kissed his while, while his fingers caressed every part of her body.

He was slow at first but it became more faster and demanding. Alice's eyes were closed and she was moaning softly. FP loved it when she was like this. They were both sweating. Alice knew FP was getting close and so was she.

"Cum with me." She said.

FP started going harder and faster and Alice was moaning harder too. They both were close.

Alice grabbed FP's face and kissed hkm as they both came. Alice gasped for air and arched het back. She was in ecstasy. She looked at FP who was smiling down at her. They were both panting loudly.

"I love you, Alice."

"I love you, FP."

FP covered them with the blankets and they fell asleep in each others arms.

Both with a smile on their faces.

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