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The girls were in the rooms. They just finished showering and were getting ready to go to bed. They couldn't stop talking about what happened that day. They were so happy, they actually didn't want to leave the Jones household. They felt like they had a real and strong connection and bond with Alice and FP.

Becca started jumping on Rosie's bed and just gave a really loud scream. They all were silent and looked at her, full of concern.

When they noticed that nothing was wrong they threw her with pillows.

"Get of my bed! You have a bed to jump on.'' Rosie said, throwing another pillow, aiming at her head.

Becca ducked and it missed her by inches. She stuck out her tongue at Rosie but also got of the bed.

''I can't help it, I'm so happy.'' Becca said.

She was now sitting on her bed. The other girls were each on their beds too.

"Yeah, we know. We are very happy too. Eeeeehhhh!'' Ann squealed. They all laughed.

They were all talking for a few minutes but they noticed that Vicky was very silent. Which is pretty unusual. Usually she's the loudest out of the four.

"Vicky, honey, whats wrong?'' Rosie asked, concerned.

She looked at them and they could see she wasn't herself.

"You guys, I don't wanna get too excited. I've wanted a family for so long and now that it could actually happen, it scares me. You guys are my family but I mean like a mom and dad. I really hope this works out.'' Vicky said.

"Honey, you're totally overthinking this. I have such a good feeling about this. And besides if it doesn't work out, which I highly doubt, we'll be here for each other. Like always. But for now lets just enjoy it, we had so much fun today, honey!'' Becca said to Vicky.

"You know what, you're totally right. We had so much fun and we should be enjoying this happiness. How about another bed jumping session before going to bed?'' Vicky said, smiling.

They all smiled and stood up on their beds, jumping and laughing so hard. It was a miracle no one came to shut them up. They went on like this for a half an hour and went to bed. Each of them going to sleep with smiles on their faces.

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