Old Aquaintances

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''What the fuck are you doing here?'' Alice yelled at her. ''Get the fuck away from my house!''

''Alice...'' FP said softly.

''FP do not play with me now. What is she doing here?'' she looked at him for answers.

''Alice, I don't know. Can we give her a minute to answer that question?''

''Well?'' Alice crossed her arms and looked at Gladys.

Gladys didn't even look at Alice and talked to fp. ''FP can we talk in private please?''

''Are you kidding me? Like hell you are!'' Alice said. ''There's no way I'm letting you be alone in a room with my husband!''

Alice was working herself up. She was so happy the previous day with the girls and now this woman showed up. Alice and Gladys have been enemies since high school. It all started a day after a party Alice hosted at her house. Alice and fp had just started their relationship. 

Everything at the party was great. It wasn't until the next day. A photo of FP and Gladys in bed surfaced. It was at the party. In Alice's bed. Alice was completely broken. She could hardly confront Gladys. She just cut ties with fp and he tried his best to get her back.

Turns out, a few days later, Gladys was the one who drugged FP and took him to Alice's room to take the photo. She was jealous of Alice and FP's relationship. She wanted fFP all to herself. Alice was so relieved that FP hadn't cheated on her, so she apologized to him, over and over, for not believing in him.

After getting things right with FP, she went straight to Gladys and knocked her out with a single punch. Alice got a week's detention but it was all worth it. Gladys never bothered her and FP again.

Now she has the decency to show up here, uninvited. This early in the morning. 20 years after the incident. Alice was furious.

''Alice, let me talk to her. Can you give us a few minutes?'' FP looked at her.

''Unbelievable.'' She walked off. ''2 minutes.'' She shouted. FP let Gladys into the living room, while Alice waited in the kitchen.

''Gladys, what the hell are you doing here?'' FP asked her, frustrated.

''FP...'' she said, trailing off.

''I don't have all day; can you speak up and answer me.'' He was getting irritated with her. It was early in the morning and FP was definitely not a morning person.

''FP, I'm in love with you. I always have been and I just couldn't stay away any longer.''

''Are you kidding me?'' Alice came in the room. ''You come here to my house, at 4am, to tell my husband that you are in love with him. After 20 years. After everything you've done? Are you out of your mind!?''

Alice was getting closer and closer to Gladys and FP stepped in front of her before she does something.

''FP, you better not be defending her right now!'' Alice said, not even looking at him.

But he knew from the tone in her voice, she was not in the mood to argue, so he gave way.

''I'm going to ask you to leave my house now and never come back!'' Alice said, she stood right in front of Gladys, looking straight into her eyes. She wasn't playing anymore.

''Alice, please. Let me talk to him.'' Gladys pleaded.

''And say what!?! That you want him to leave me and get with you?'' Alice laughed. ''Oh honey, don't make me punch you again, you know what happened the last time.''

''Alice...'' FP said.

''FP, don't!'' she cut him off. ''You! Leave!'' She grabbed Gladys by the arm and dragged her to the door. ''Don't you dare show your face here again!'' And she shut the door, loudly, in Gladys' face.

''I'm going to bed now, with or without you.'' And she walked up the stairs, to the bedroom.

FP followed shortly after her. He found her already in bed, with her back to him. He got in bed and spooned her.

''I'm sorry.'' He whispered in her ear.
She turned around and looked at him. She smiled and laid her head on his chest. He kissed her forehead and they fell asleep again.

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