Easy like Sunday morning

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It was Sunday. Normally Alice would be sleeping in but today she got up before FP. She woke up in FP's arms and she could not help but smile at how  cute he looked sleeping.

She kisses his forehead softly and got out of bed. She wanted to make the love of her life some breakfast. God, did she love FP. He's been there for her so much and she was so grateful to be married to such a wonderful man.

She made some chocolate chip pancakes and when she was done, she went to the living room to watch something on the television. She needed to kill time until FP woke up. She absentmindedly switch to a channel and just watched whatever played.

While the television was playing, her mind drifted. She thought about how she needed to go to the shops to go buy groceries and that she had a few other errands to run for today.

Her concentration switched back to the tv. The show that played was of a happy family just having fun in the park. Alice did not know what show it was but she kept watching. She smiled at how happy the family seemed.

On the tv screen you could see two little girls running towards their parents. They were having a picnic and the kids just came back from playing to get a snack.

FP had woken up a few minutes earlier and wanted to surprise Alice in the kitchen. But she wasn't there so he came into the living room and found her here. She did not notice him.

He saw Alice smile when she saw the family but he also saw that smile fading when they showed the kids with their parents.

A tear rolled down Alice's cheek and he walked up to her and hugged her. This caught Alice by surprise because she thought he was still sleeping.

She tried wiping her tears away but FP already saw them.

"Alice, I love you so much. I just need you to make me happy." FP said while still hugging her.

She broke free and he could see the hurt in her eyes.

"I'm sorry I'm not able to give you what you want." Alice said. Tears were welling up in her eyes.

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