Kitchen counter

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The car ride home was filled with so much happiness and joy. Alice was talking the whole time, barely giving FP a chance to say anything. She was babbling on and on about how much fun today was and that she was feeling so close to the girls. Seeing her this happy was making FP very happy and it also turned him on.

They got home and FP switched the car off. They walked up to their house and she gave the keys to FP so he could unlock the door. She went inside first and FP followed. She had  her back to him but still waited for him to lock the door. She heard the click of the lock and wanted to walk away but FP pulled her back.

He shoved her against the door and started kissing her very hard and passionately. This was a surprise to her but a good surprise. She started moaning into his mouth and it made him kiss her even harder. She wanted to rip his clothes off right there but he stopped her.

He picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist. They kept kissing each other with so much passion. He subconsciously led them both into the kitchen. He placed her on the counter while still kissing her. Alice was going wild. She kept pulling his hair and scratching his back.

She pulled him closer to her with her legs. He was standing between her legs and she could feel his excitement through her jeans.

He took her coat off and also her shirt, leaving her bra on. She did the same for him, only he was completely naked on top. She looked at him and let her fingers slide up and down his chest. FP was trembling with excitement.

He snaked his arms around her waist and unhooked her bra. He took it off and looked at her with a smirk. She smiled and pulled him closer to kiss him again. While kissing her, FP was fondling her breasts, making her moan.

His hands went down and he unbuttoned and unzipped her pants.

He broke their kiss. ''Lift your butt.'' He whispered.

She giggled and lifted herself up. He pulled her underwear with her pants off, leaving her completely naked. The moonlight was shining through the window, onto her body. He stared in awe.

"You are so damn beautiful.'' He said.

"Are you only saying that 'cause I have no clothes on?" She smirked.


He kissed her and slowly went down on her body, leaving kisses everywhere. He looked up and she was looking down at him. He saw her eyes, filled with so much desire.

He knew what she wanted. What she craved. He went down on her and made her gasp for air. She closed her eyes, enjoying every moment of it. She snaked her one hand into his hair, pulling him closer into her. she was close.

He knew she was getting close so he stopped. He stood up and smirked at her.

"Why did you stop?'' she asked, out of breathe.

"Not yet.'' He said.

"Asshole!'' she said and got down from the counter. ''It's my turn now.'' She smiled.

She got down on her knees and pulled down her pants. She was shocked when she saw how excited he was. She looked at him and licked her lips.

Seeing her like this was driving FP crazy. He wanted her.

She took his member into her hand and began stroking it. After a while she placed him in her mouth and started going down on him. FP was grunting. She did this for a few minutes then got up.

He picked her up and placed her on the counter again. He went in between her legs and entered her. Her head fell back as she opened her mouth and gave a silent gasp.

He slowly went in and out. He was in no rush and she was going crazy. He slid his hand to the back of her neck and pulled her closer for a kiss. He was still going slow but passionately. They were both moaning into each other's mouths. Tongues fighting for dominance.

They were both getting close and FP was going faster. Alice's legs still wrapped around him. One of her legs were starting to go down, so FP caught it and put it over his shoulder. Alice moaned harder.

''FP I'm...c-coming.'' She said.

''Come with me.'' He said and went harder.

They both came and Alice called out his name. She went limp in his arms.

He picked her up and carried her upstairs to their room. He put her in bed and pulled the covers over them both. She laid on his chest and they fell asleep like that. Both dreaming   of their future.

The doorbell rang and they both woke up. Alice looked at the clock and saw it was 4am.

"Who could this be?" She asked.

"I'm going downstairs. You stay here."

"Like hell I'm staying here!" She said, putting her dressing gown on.

They went down and FP went in-front of her and opened the door. He gasped when he saw who stood before him.

"Hello, FP." The woman said, smiling. 

"Gladys?" FP whispered,

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