Back to reality

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Alice and FP were in their living room, hanging out for the afternoon. They were cuddled up on the couch. The tv was on but they weren't actually paying attention. They both knew what was coming next.

"Alice?" FP said. "You know we have to talk about the orphanage, right?"

Alice, still with her head on his shoulder. "Yeah, I know."

Alice sat up straight. "You know, that last group that we met, I just couldn't stop thinking about them ever since."

"I know what you mean. They were so different. But in a very good way, don't get me wrong." FP said, staring at absolutely nothing.

They were quiet for about 5 minutes, both thinking about what is going to happen next.

"Alice, wait. Are you seriously thinking about adopting all 4 of them? That's going way in over our heads."

"FP, I went in there with no intention of actually forming any kind of deep attachment with any of the kids on our first encounter, but it happened. I liked all 4 of them the absolute same. They reminded me of myself when I was younger, even though they are all so different from each other."

"I completely understand. All 4 of them have stolen my heart, but this is a lot."

"I would not be able to live with myself if I had to split them up. Did you see the kind of bond those girls shared? You could see, they absolutely adored each other."

FP smiled. He knew what she was talking about. Those girls had such a special place in his heart and he got that from just one encounter with them. Maybe it was faith, he thought to himself.

Alice looked at FP and she could see that he was having trouble with this. She knew this is a difficult thing for him. But she had absolutely no doubt that she wanted to adopt all 4 of them. Ann, Rosie, Becca and Vicky crept into her heart, just like that.

"FP, you remember the day when we first met them, right? Do you remember what an amazing feeling that was? We both did not expect that kind of reaction but it happened. Now imagine that feeling and more for the rest if our lives. With those girls living under our roof. Those happy, beautiful little girls. I'm not saying you should decide straight away, I'm just saying, think about it honey." Alice said, kissing his cheek and getting up and leaving the living room.

FP sat in the living room. He had to think about this. He needed this alone time. He wasn't against the idea of adopting all 4 of them, it's just that he didn't plan for it to happen. It took him and Alice both by surprise. He loves Alice without a doubt. She is the absolute love of his life. He wants to make her happy and would do anything to make that happen.

Four new little people around would be so much fun, he thought. There would never be a dull moment. And like Alice said, he too wouldn't have the heart to split the group up.

FP stood up. He had made his decision.


Alice and FP were still in bed.

"Alice, I have thought about what you said yesterday. About having those adorable girls around the house and how amazing that would be. Even though 5 women and 1 man living under the same roof is a dangerous thing to do. I won't be able to have a say anymore."

This made Alice laugh. "I was wondering when you would bring that up."

"But I have made my decision. Alice, honey, how could we not adopt all 4 of them?"

Alice screamed out of excitement and hugged FP. She kissed him all over his face.

"If I knew I was going to get this kind of reaction, I would've agreed a long time ago."

Alice slapped his arm lightly.

"Hey! That hurt." He said.

"Stop being a little baby." She said, laughing.

FP loved that sound. "Come here."

He pulled her on top of him and kissed her. "I love you so much." She said, looking into his eyes.

"I love you so much more." He said, kissing her again.

They made love that morning. Sweet, sweet love.

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