Not Really

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Rosie jerked up with a huge gasp. She looked around trying to take in her surroundings. She was still in the car on the way to Mr and Mrs Jones' house.
It had all been a real nasty dream. Rosie fell asleep in the car.

"Are you alright?" Vicky asked.

Alice turned around in her seat looking very worried.
"What happened?" She asked.

"It's nothing. It was just a bad dream." Rosie said, still a bit out of breath. "I'll tell you guys about it later, okay? Now, let's listen to some Cardi B please."

They all laughed. "Cardi B coming up!" FP said.

It didn't take long until they arrived home. They got out of the car and Alice and the girls went to open the door while FP took out their luggage.
The girls returned and each took their suitcases into the house.

"Welcome home!" Alice said, with the biggest smile on her face.

"Welcome girls." They heard FP behind them.

"There's 2 bedrooms upstairs for you girls. So that means, two of you have to share. Is that okay?" Alice asked.

"No problem! At least I won't have to deal with all of their snoring at once." Vicky said, smirking.

"Heyy! I don't snore!" Ann exclaimed.

"Sure, you don't." Becca rolled her eyes.

This made Alice and FP laugh.

"You girls can go upstairs so long and I'll prepare something to eat in the meantime. How does some macaroni and cheese sound?"

"Yes please! I've been craving that for a long time." Rosie said.

"Yes, thank you. That sounds delicious." Vicky said, already half way upstairs.

The girls followed and they started talking about who was gonna share the bedrooms.
Turns out Becca and Vicky will share the one room while Ann and Rosie will share the other.
Becca refused to share with Ann because of the snoring.

"I do not snore!"

"Yes, you do!"

"Whatever." Ann rolled her eyes.

They all put their luggage into their separate rooms and went downstairs. They went into the kitchen and found Alice busy with the food. They each found a seat at the table.

"Where did Mr Jones go?" Rosie wanted to know.

"He just went out to get some groceries. He'll be back soon." Alice said, smiling at them.
"Are you girls settled? Are your rooms alright?"

"Yes, thank you. I've never had my own room before. Yes, I'm sharing with Vicky but it's still all so new to me." Becca said, her eyes glazing as if she was in a daze.

"Yes, thank you Mrs Jones. You have no idea how much this means to all of us." Ann said.

Alice have them a sweet smile. "You girls are so welcome. I already know we're gonna have so much fun here. Food is almost ready so you can look around the house or outside and get familiarized. I'll call when the food is done."

"Ok." Ann said, very cheerfully.

The girls went outside into the garden and starting playing tag. They saw FP's car coming in the drive but kept playing.
FP went into the house and put the groceries away while Alice finished up with the food.

"I'm gonna go play with the girls for a while, maybe you can join us when you are done here." FP went closer and kissed Alice on her cheek.

"I'll join you soon." She said.

He went out and saw the girls laughing and running around.

"Mind if I join you guys?"

"You're it!" Vicky shouted and ran to the farthest end of the garden.

"Hey I just got here!" FP acted hurt.

"We don't make the rules." Rosie shrugged.

FP ran to them and they scattered.

Alice was watching from the kitchen window with a little smile. She never thought she would be this happy. Seeing FP so happy and playing with their kids. Yes she said it. It was their kids. And she already loved them so much.
She thought of joining them but decided against it. She wanted to give them a chance to bond with FP.

The food was done but they were still outside, so she decided to go and shower before they ate.

Outside, FP and the girls kept playing and they have forgotten how hungry they were earlier.

"Mr Jones, I'm coming for ya!" Becca ran to him and tried to touch him but he was to fast.

"To slow there." He laughed.

"Come on Becca. It's been 10 minutes and you're still it." Vicky said.

"FP! Girls! Time to eat!" Alice shouted from the back door.

"You'll still be it when we play again. We won't forget." Ann said.

"Yeah whatever!" Becca said, rolling her eyes.

They went inside the house and got their seats at the kitchen table. They were pretty excited about the macaroni and cheese. It's been a long time since they had a really good one.

"Dinner is served!" Alice came in with a big bowl of macaroni and cheese. "Dig in girls. Oh and FP, please keep some for the rest of us." She smirked.

This made the girls laugh. They got their pieces of macaroni and cheese and ate a lot.
The whole time everyone was making small talk and laughing and joking around.
They were like a proper family. The girls were so comfortable around Alice and FP.
They made the Jones couple very happy. More happy than they thought they could ever be.

When they finished their dinner, everyone jumped in to wash the dishes and clean the kitchen. After, they all cleaned themselves up, they went to bed.
Alice and FP tugged them all in, each getting a small kiss on the forehead. With a small "goodnight" with every kiss.

That night, Alice slept in FP's arms with a little smile on her face.

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