I'm ready

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"Yes?" Me and FP asked at the same time.

"I'm really sorry for the inconvenience Mr. and Mrs. Jones but..."

FP and Alice's faces fell.

"...you're gonna have to come back tomorrow to come get the girls. You have been approved." She gave us her biggest smile.

"OMG!" I said. "We're parents."

I looked over at FP and saw that he was shedding a little tear. I went around the back of his chair and hugged him. We stayed like that for a few minutes.

"Alice..." he started talking.

"I know, I know, honey." I said, while kissing the top of his head.

I went to sit back in my seat. "Thank you so much, Mrs. Nichols. You have no idea how much this means to us." I was about to start crying when I felt FP's big hand caressing mine.

"Mrs. Jones, this is the reason I'm in this line of work. I love making people and children happy. And we just made that happen." She smiled.

"Ok, so what do we need to do now?" I asked. I looked over to my husband and saw he was still in shock. Oh, how he deserves every bit of happiness that comes his way.

"You just have to come back tomorrow and sign a few papers and you will be able to take the girls home."

"Omg. This is an actual dream come true." I was definitely crying now.

"I'm so happy for you Mrs. and Mr. Jones."

"Thank you so much for making our dream of being parents come true." I said, wiping my tears with a tissue I found in my bag.

"It's only a pleasure. So I'll see you guys tomorrow?"

"Oh, you definitely will." FP said, finally coming to terms with it. I looked over and smiled at him.

We went out and walked to our car. I turned and looked at my husband.

"We did it!" I said.

He picked me up in his arms and twirled me around, while I squealed with happiness. He finally put me down and gave me a quick but passionate kiss.

"Come on, we have to get home and celebrate. I still owe you from earlier." He smirked and I couldn't help but giggle.

We drove home in a comfortable silence.

Once we got home, FP pulled me towards our bedroom. He slammed the door shut and threw me on the bed. I watched as he approached the bed. I started to crawl on my back up to the pillows but he stopped me by grabbing my ankles. My body was starting to heat up. I slowly started moving towards him. He just looked at me as I sat on the edge of the bed, hesitantly lifting his shirt up.

As I lifted the hem higher, I kissed his abs then stood up to kiss his chest. After I took it off I moved my mouth to his jawline and then his mouth. He drew my against him slowly but firm with his left hand on my lower back. I moaned into his mouth as his tongue swept across my bottom lip then biting down gently.

I stood on my toes trying to get closer to him. I gasped as his right hand slid down to grab my ass. I felt my center throb as he grabbed my ass harder, pressing me against his hips. I felt his arousal against my stomach as he reached the hand holding my ass between my legs to brush against the center seam of my jeans. Even though I was still wearing pants, I felt his touch on my throbbing center as I was grinding my hips against him.

He picked me up, me legs wrapped around his waist and crawled onto the bed, covering me with his body and he slid his hands up my hips to my shirt. The kiss started turning more heated and passionate as he brushed his hands over my breasts, then tore my shirt off. I moaned loud and he hastily took my jeans off too.

FP ran one of his hands up my stomach over my breasts to hold my neck to keep me still as he kissed down my neck. He took my bra off and my breathing quickened as he stopped to stare at my breasts.

'Beautiful' he murmured before he took one of my breasts in his hand. I moaned and arched into him as I felt his warm mouth cover one of my nipples, his tongue swirling around and sucking me. He switched his mouth to my other breast and repeated. I was already grinding myself into his crotch, moaning at the feeling of his jeans. His lips slid down my stomach as his hands teased my inner thigh, rubbing the material of my panties.

He smirked then ran his fingers over the tops of my thighs, teasing me. He reached his hands and brushed over the neat curls of my center. I bucked my hips.

"Please, FP" I moaned quietly. I spread my legs more and gasped as I felt him insert a finger. He paused for a moment and started moving his finger slowly in and out. I moved my hips with him and whimpered as he added another finger, picking up speed. I cried out and looked up at him as he kicked off his pants.

"I wanna be inside you when you orgasm." He said. FP just stood there in his boxers and watched me as I sat up and ran my fingertips across his abs and gently pulled on the edge of his boxers, sliding them down an inch. I watched him as he watched me. He lifted a hand to brush a stray hair from my face and stroke my cheek. I took a deep breath and slowly pulled his boxers down, gasping as his huge hardness sprang free. He stepped out of his boxers and reached for me, trying to push me back on the bed but I pushed his hands away. I ran my hands over his hips and then over the tops of his thighs.

I looked up at him, his jaw tense as he watched me. I bit my lip and gently ran my hand along the bottom side of his member. I saw his abs tense. He reached a hand down and stroked the side of my face lovingly and ran a thumb across my bottom lip, freeing it from my teeth. Wrapping my hand around his thickness, I squeezed lightly and moved my hand up and down him slowly. His hips bucked into my hand and he moaned.

"Careful now, Alice." He said, huskily. I did it again but faster then paused and continued to stroke him. He groaned and pushed me back on the bed.

"Enough!" He crawled over me and settled his hips between my legs. His mouth found mine as he reached up to hold my hips. All of a sudden he thrusted into me and I cried out in ecstasy.

He started thrusting into me slowly. I moaned his name as he started going faster.

"Harder, FP!" He started thrusting so hard, I couldn't catch my breath. I met each of his thrusts as his grunted. I dipped my head into his neck, with pleasure climbing fast. He wrapped an arm around my waist to keep my hips still and a hand around my neck as he started thrusting into me even faster and harder at an almost inhumane speed. I couldn't even keep up with him.

He started kissing down my neck and stopped and started sucking on the spot between my neck and shoulder when I moaned. He thrusted hard and fast into me a few times more as I cries now and came, screaming his name. Pleasure exploded from my body so intense, I almost blacked out.

He pulled out and laid over me, our bodies slick with sweat. I kissed his chest exhausted as he rolled over and pulling me back against his body.

"I love you, Alice." He whispered in my ear. I mumbled back that I loved him too as I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up the next morning and sighed into FP's chest. He had a leg thrown protectively over mine, my chest against his. I snuggled closed to him. I felt him stir.

"Good morning babe. Are you ready for today?" I said and kissed his tones chest. He just snuggled me deeper into him and whispered, "I have always been ready."

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