Glimmer of hope

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"Let's go outside! I'm bored!" Said Rosie annoyed.

Rosie was a very quiet girl but ever since she met her friends at the orphanage, she was a happy and playful girl. Rosie landed in the orphanage when both her parents passed away in a car crash, and no other family member wanted to take her in.

She had felt rejected and like no one cared for her. Her friends; Ann, Becca and Vicky were the only ones who made her feel loved after a very long time.

Rosie loved spending time outside. Nature was her first love. And she loved reading too and would sometimes combine both her passions. You would always find her reading books outside somewhere. Even on rainy days.

"Count me in." Shouted Ann, while putting her shoes on. Ann was the very cheery and optimistic one. She was the group's 'ray of sunshine'. She loved every single one of them very much. She was like a mother figure. She cared for them and always looked out for them.

Ann never talked about how she landed in the orphanage. She always gets very quiet when they would talk about it.  They knew she would tell them someday, so they never pressured her to talk about it.

"You guys can go, I'm staying in bed." Said Vicky from under the covers. Vicky the curly hairy girl with the voice of an angel. She could sing like there was no tomorrow. But she was no angel at all. Always up to no good. No filter. Always speaks her mind and that sometimes gets the group of girls into embarrassing situations.

Vicky's mom dropped her off at the orphanage when she was just a little baby. She never knew her or her father.

Becca sat in the corner, nose stuck in a book. She was the ultimate bookworm. You would always find her reading somewhere. She would reading anything she could get her hands on. Becca was the wise one of the group. She always gave them the best advice. They knew they could always depend on her.

Becca was the last to arrive at the orphanage, after her parents threw her out of the house. She was heartbroken and sad when she came to the orphanage. She was a broken girl until she met her three best friends and now she's so happy.

Rosie finally got everyone to go outside with her. They could never really say no to her.

It was a really nice, sunny day. They were all laughing at Vicky trying to do a handstand (but completely failing), when Ann noticed two people entering the main entrance of the building. From where they were sitting you could see the front of the building and also who enters and who leaves.

She showed the girls. At was a beautiful, blonde woman with a handsome man.

"I wonder who will get adopted today." Vicky said. Not really caring, she has given up on the thought of anyone adopting her.

The other stared longingly at the couple. The all were hopeful. But they did not let any of their friends know.

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