The decision is...

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*phone buzzes*
''hmmm...Alice...get that...'' FP said, still half asleep.

Alice laughed. She's been up for 2 hours now and now she's enjoying her second cup of coffee. FP always liked sleeping in on weekends and she was used to getting up early.

She got the phone and answered on her way to the kitchen.

''Alice Jones speaking.'' She said, casually sipping her coffee.

''Good morning, Mrs. Jones. This is Marisol Nichols from the orphanage. Sorry to bother you this early, but I was wondering if you and Mr. Jones could come to the orphanage this afternoon. We have something important to discuss.'' She sounded very serious and it made Alice nervous.

''Good morning, miss Nichols. Can you please tell me what this is about?'' Alice asked, softly.

FP had woken up in the meantime and just walked in.  He saw Alice still on the phone and kept his distance. He could see from her body language that she was nervous.

''It's better if we don't discuss this over the phone, can you come at 3 this afternoon?''

''Yes, sure. We'll be there.'' Alice said, putting
down the phone.

''Everything okay?'' FP asked, walking towards her.

''It was the orphanage. They want to see us this afternoon.'' She said, looking very nervous. She wasn't even drinking her coffee anymore.

''I'm sure it's going to be good news, honey.'' Said fp, trying to make her feel better.

She gave a weak smile and nodded.

''Do you want something to eat? I can make you something.'' She asked him, not looking at him.

''it's okay, I'm not hungry.''

She had her back to him so he walked up to her and put his arms around her.

''FP, I'm scared.'' She sniffed.

He knew she was crying so he turned her around to face him. He took her face in his hands and looked in her eyes. Eyes full of fear and drowning in tears.

''Alice, honey, I promise you this will work out. No matter what.'' He kissed her forehead and she wrapped her arms around his waist. He took her in his arms and they stayed like that for a very long time.

It was Alice who broke them apart.

''We have a few hours until we have to leave. I need to get ready and I need to go to the grocery store beforehand.'' And with that she disappeared from the kitchen, leaving FP there.

It was almost two in the afternoon when Alice came back from the grocery store. FP was all ready and waiting for them to go.
She came in and when she saw him, she couldn't help but smile.   

''You ready, baby?'' She asked, still smiling.

He came up to her with a little smirk. ''Can  we spare a few minutes?'' He was stroking her back and his hand was going all the way down.

''FP...'' she breathed his name out. ''We'll be late if we don't leav-, uh!'' FP was grabbing her ass and pulling her closer. She could feel his erection rubbing against her thigh. She felt herself getting aroused too.

''What has gotten into you?'' she moaned into his ear.

''You.'' He said.

''Okay, but I'll just take care of you quickly. We can worry about tonight.'' She smirked.

''What do you mean?'' he looked confused.

She just smiled and slowly went down on her knees.

''Oh my god, Alice.''

She unbuckled his pants and his erection sprang from its hold. She took him in her hand and looked up into his eyes. She saw the hunger and lust in them. She started stroking him and his eyes rolled back in his head. She got closer and started licking the head. She heard him grunt. She wrapped her lips around his cock and started moving to and fro.

She felt one of his hands on the back of her head, encouraging her to take more of him.

His moans started getting harder and she was going faster, with his hand on her head. She started moaning too and he must have felt the vibrations because he softly murmured her name.

She felt him getting close and she was so aroused by him. She started going faster.

''If you don't stop, I'm going to come in your mouth.'' He groaned.

''Come baby.'' She whispered.

She gave him a few more strokes and felt the warm liquid splash on her tongue and he shouted out her name. She kept sucking until she felt like he was done.

She got up from her knees and smiled at him. He took her face in his hands.

''You, are one amazing woman.''

''I know.'' She smirked and started walking upstairs. ''We need to get cleaned up and leave.''

He smiled and followed her upstairs.

They arrived at the orphanage with minutes to spare. They were escorted to director Nichols' office. They walked in and they greeted each other with a smile.

''Please be seated.'' She gestured to the chairs in front of her desk. FP and Alice sat down quietly, not saying anything at all.

''So, we have handled all your paperwork regarding the adoption, and we've also talked to the girls and we have come to a decision.'' Marisol said.

Alice and FP tried reading her face but she wasn't giving anything away. Their hearts were beating so fast, that it's a wonder they are this calm.

''Our decision..."

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