Hard Decisions

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FP and Alice went inside and was greeted by a young lady at the counter.

"Good morning. I'm Joline. How may I help you?" She said with a very friendly smile.

"We called a few weeks ago, about a possible adoption." FP answered, knowing Alice was still too nervous to even hold a conversation.

"Let me check." She typed something on her computer. "Mr and Mrs Jones?" She asked.

"That's right." FP said.

"Ok, so we appointed someone to guide you while you are here. She's going to introduce you to the children here and then help with necessary paperwork if you guys decide to go further. Oh, here she is now. Mr and Mrs Jones, this is Dionne. She will be of assistance to you today."

"Thank you so much." Alice said.

"Hi, like she said, my name is Dionne and I'm gonna introduce you to the kids. So, without further ado, lets go out into the garden. All the kids are here outside because it's a really nice day today."

FP and Alice followed her outside. Alice was clinging onto her husband's arm.

There had to be at least 20 to 25 children outside. Most were just sitting, talking to their friends. Not really noticing the couple. One or two were reading a book. Other played around.

Dionne took them to the first group of girls. She introduced them as Resi, Laura, Kathrin and Susan. Alice really liked these girls. They had a small conversation with the girls before moving onto the others. Alice liked every single one of the children. This is going to be hard for her.

When they got to the last group, Dionne needed to go inside. "Will you girls please introduce yourselves to Mr and Mrs Jones? I'll be right back." Dionne said before she rushed off into the main building.

"Hi, I'm Ann."

"Rosie here."


"And I'm Becca."

Alice liked them instantly and FP noticed that.

"So, what do you girls like to do for fun? Your hobbies?" Alice asked, totally mesmerized by the group. It didn't help that they were all beautiful young girls.

"Me and Rosie like to spend time outside and read books, but Becca is the biggest bookworm out of us all. And then there's some of us who like to sleep the day away." Ann said that last part giving Vicky the side eye.

Alice had to laugh.

"Sleep is my first love too, Vicky." Alice said, making Vicky smile very big.

"Hey, what about me?" FP asked, jokingly.

"You're alright too." Said Alice, making the girls laugh.

FP watched Alice interact with the girls and he couldn't help but smile. She was meant to be a mother. She was so caring and loving towards children.

"So, have you decided on which kid you wanna adopt yet?" Rosie, Becca and Ann's eyes grew wide with Vicky's question. They should have known she would say something very embarrassing.

This took Alice and FP by surprise. "I think we'll have to discuss that first, honey." Alice said.

FP and Alice talked with the girls for another 10 minutes before all the children had to go in.

"Goodbye girls." Alice said, waving at them.

"Bye-bye." Said FP.

"Goodbye, Mr and Mrs Jones." They said in unison.

Dionne came to get Alice and FP in the garden and led them to the main room, where they came in. Joline was still there sitting at reception, typing something into her computer.

"So, how was it?" Dionne asked.

"We really liked all of them, but I think we really bonded with the last group and I know Alice would agree with me. Look at that smile." FP said. He was happy his wife was happy.

"Yeah, I'm very happy." Said Alice with a big smile. "We will be back. There are just a fee things we need to discuss."

"Of course, call anytime. Let us know what you guys decide and we will try our best to help."

"Thank you so much. We appreciate it."

"Thank you." Said Alice.

They walked to the exit and walked to the car hand-in-hand.

"How are we going to choose, FP?" Alice asked softly.

"I don't know, my dear, but we'll do it together."

They got to the car and FP opened the door for Alice. They drove home, each of them distracted by their own thoughts.

Decisions needed to be made and both of them know it's going to be difficult.

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