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Ann, Vicky, Rosie and Becca were all in their room, messing around. They were so bored that they actually made music out of tins and every other thing they could find.

Becca played the drums, which were of course tins that she found somewhere. Heaven know where she actually got them. Rosie was on the guitar, it was a donation that was made to the orphanage. Ann was beatboxing.
No one actually knew what she was doing, because she was failing miserably at beatboxing. But neither of them could beatbox, so they said nothing.
And lastly Vicky was the one who was singing. She had the voice of an angel and the other three girls admired her voice so much.

"Becca, can you actually stay on beat or is that too much to ask?" Ann asked her.

"You're one to talk. You call that beatboxing?" Becca said.

"Yeah, like you could do better." Ann said, rolling her eyes.

"Can you like...uhm, stop?" Vicky asked, sarcastically.

"She started it." Becca said.

Rosie was slowly strumming the guitar, ignoring all the bickering going on around her.

"Let's just continue."

They continued making as much noise as possible. It was a miracle that no one actually came to shut them up. They were shutting the world out and having so much fun.

There was a knock on the door but no one heard it so they continued playing.
Another knock.

The door opened and Joline walked in. It was only then that the girls noticed her.

"Hi girls, can all of you please go to Miss Nichols' office. She needs to see you." She told them and left.

They were all silent for a minute. Each of them having a different scenario of what could be the reason that the Director of the orphanage was looking for them. All four of them.

They quickly packed their 'instruments' away and walked to Miss Nichols' office.

"Knock, Rosie."

"You knock."

"Not happening."

Just then the door opened from the inside and Miss Nichols stood there. She didn't have a friendly smile on her face like she usually does and that made them panic even more.

"Do you girls wanna keep fighting about who should knock or are you gonna come in?" And then she gave them a smile.

That actually made them calm down and they went into her office, giggling.
They took their seats and waited for Miss Nichols to join them.

Marisol closed the door and walked towards her desk.

"So, how have you guys been doing?" She asked them.

"It's been great." Rosie answered for all of them.

"Okay, so the reason that I called you girls here to my office, is because I have some news. Good and bad news."

The girls all looked terrified because they did not know what to expect. So they sat there quietly waiting for Ms Nichols to continue.

"The bad news is, you girls can no longer be at this orphanage and are gonna have to leave." She said, totally serious. Her facial expression is not giving anything away.

"Wait, what do you mean we have to leave? Did we do something wrong?" Vicky asked, totally confused.

"But why? What happened?" Becca asked.

"Girls, I'm sorry but this is how it's gonna be."

"Wait? What's the good news then?" Asked Rosie.

"Well, the good news is, you girls are moving out of here and are gonna go live with Mr and Mrs Jones!" Marisol said, smiling her biggest smile ever.

The girls were all quiet for a bit, taking in the information that they have just received. After a few seconds their eyes were shining with tears. You could actually see how happy they were with receiving that news.

"Are you serious? We get to stay with them?"

"We are moving in with them?"

"We found a home? They actually want us to move in with them?"

"We found a family?"


"I can't believe this?"

The girls were all shouting over each other, each one couldn't stop smiling. They were crying happy tears.

"I'm so happy for you girls. Everyone deservers to find their happy family." Marisol said to them.
"Can I get a hug?"

They all went to her with a big group hug. After a long while they broke apart.

"Oh yeah, I actually have something that Mr and Mrs Jones wanted you guys to listen to, once you got the news. Will you guys please have a seat while I go get it?"

They took their seats and Ms Nichols went around her desk and took out her phone.

"They have recorded a little message for you girls."

She pressed the play button and it started with Mrs Jones voice.

Girls, I am so happy that we are gonna start this journey together, as a family. You girls are so special and I have loved you since the first day that we met. I know me and Mr Jones aren't your real parents but we'll try to be the best that we possibly can. We hope you girls are just as excited as we are. Hope to see you soon and remember, I love you girls.

Then Mr Jones started talking.

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