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Alice and FP were on their way to the orphanage. They called a week before to make an appointment with the director of the orphanage. They only got the appointment a week later.

FP and Alice wanted to know the process they had to go through in if they wanted to go forward with the adoption.

Alice was anxiously quiet, she didn't know what was going to happen today. She didn't like that. She always has been in control of everything but not today, and it is driving her crazy.

FP was quiet too. He really wanted this to work out for them. They both wanted to have children for a really long time now, even though they never really talked about it. Until recently. They both wanted this to work out.

He looked over to her. She was looking out the window. He took her hand in his and caressed it. They drove in silence.

They arrived at the orphanage a few minutes later. They got out of the car and FP took Alice's hand and kissed her cheek. He didn't know how much Alice needed that.

They arrived at the front desk and was greeted by Joline.

"Hi, we have an appointment with director Nichols. Alice and FP Jones." Alice said.

"Sure, I'll let her know you are here. You can sit down for a minute while I call her."

A fee seconds later Joline escorted them down the hall. They came to a closed door with a name plate "Housemother Nichols' on. Joline opened the door for them and they went in while she closed the door behind them.

Inside was a very sophisticated looking lady, busy in her computer. She then noticed them and stood up.

"Have a seat, please." She pointed to the two chairs in front of her desk.

She had long, dark curly locks. She wa a slender woman, probably in her mid-forties. She took off her glasses and smiled at them. She had a very heartwarming smile.

They took their seats and so did she.

"So, Mr. and Mrs. Jones, what can I do for you?" She asked them.

"To start off, we were here a few weeks ago. We were talking about adopting before we decided to come here but never thought that it would actually happen so soon. We came here, not knowing what to expect, we certainly didn't expect to form a really strong bond with anyone, let alone four girls at once." Alice said. "They crept into out hearts so quickly. It caught both of us by surprise. So we decided. We want to adopt Ann, Rosie, Becca and Vicky." She looked at her husband and smiled.

FP was looking at Alice the whole time she was talking. He could see how much she wanted this. He wanted this. He wanted to have a family with Alice. He knew she was going to be such a great mother and he just hopes that he would be a great father as well.

"I'm going to be real honest with you guys. This is going to take a while before anything happens. I'll explain the process briefly to you and then we'll take it from there." Said Director Nichols.

FP took Alice's hand into his and nodded at her to continue.

"Firstly, applying requires a great deal of disclosure, meaning you have to fill out forms related to your financial and legal details. This will take a few days for you to complete. Secondly, we need to do a home study. A social worker will come by your house to do a screening of your home. The adoption requires the prospective adoptive parents to actually spend a day with the prospective adoptive child, or in this case children, because the children also has a say in this. And then if everything goes according to plan, an official release of info relating to the legal adoption will be forwarded to you."


A few weeks went by and everything was smooth sailing. The house study was a success, all the necessary and important paperwork was done. There was still one thing left to do. Alice and FP spending the day with Ann, Rosie, Becca and Vicky. They were waiting for that very important phone call.

Alice's phone rang.

"Hello, this is Alice Jones speaking." She said.

"Mrs. Jones. This is Marisol Nichols from the orphanage."

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