Unexpected news!

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The girls were getting ready for breakfast. They were all up very early, which is actually a miracle. When they were all done getting ready, they still had like an hour until breakfast. They were all on Rosie's bed and talking about random things, until the subject of adoption came about.

"Do you remember those two people who were here a few weeks ago? The woman and man, I think they were the Joneses? I wonder if they are going to adopt someone or if they changed their minds after that." Vicky asked.

"Yeah Vicky, I think you chased them away with your weird questions." Ann said and they all started laughing.

"No, but seriously, they were really nice people and I kind of liked them." Rosie said.

"I liked them too." Becca said softly.

"Oh, come on guys, it's way too early to be this morbid. If it's meant to be it will be and if not, well there are other people who might want to adopt us. And I seriously don't know how I would  survived if one of you guys left. I really want us all to be adopted together but that's wishful thinking. But nonetheless, if one of you guys will be adopted, I would be so happy for you," said Ann.

"Me too." The other three said in unison.

"I wonder what we'll be having for breakfast." Becca said, thinking out loud.

"Typical Becca, always thinking about food." Vicky said, shaking her head.

"Only because I'm hungry."

"You're always hungry, honey." Said Rosie.

"Well, no denying that." Becca said, giggling.

"Come on guys, we have to go now." Ann said, already waiting for them at the door.

They walked to the cafeteria and went to go get some food. They had eggs, bacon, toast, sausages and a big cup of coffee. They don't usually eat like this, only on Sundays.

The intercom in the cafeteria went off. "Can Rosie, Ann, Becca and Vicky please report to the housemother's office."

They all looked at each other. "Becca, what did you do now?" Vicky asked.

"Hey, it wasn't me." 

The walk to the housemother's office was really quiet and tense. When they got there no one wanted to go on first.

"Go in, Ann."

"No, you go."

"Come on guys, someone has to go in."

"Well not me."

Before they could say anything more, the door opened and there stood housemother Nichols.

"Hey girls, can you please join me inside." She held the door open for them and they walked in. They took their seats and waited for housemother to say something.

"Don't worry girls, you are not in trouble, I just needed to ask you a few questions." She said, smiling at them.

The girls gave a huge sigh and smiled back.

"It's about the other day when Mr. and Mrs. Jones came for a visit at the orphanage. I wanted to know how you guys felt about that. How do you feel about them?"

"We actually talked about them earlier this morning. We all really liked them, they were really nice people." Rosie spoke on behalf of them.  

"Yeah, we liked talking to them and it wasn't forced or anything, the conversation came easily." Ann said.

Marisol listened to them all talking about Alice and FP Jones. They only had nice things to say about them. This could actually be working out for all parties involved.

"Seeing how much you guys like them, I have something to say and ask you guys."

They were waiting for her to continue.

"They were here a few weeks ago and they had so many nice things to say about you guys as well. Actually, they liked you guys so much that they wanted to adopt all four of you."

The girls' eyes grew wide. They did not expect this.

"So we need you girls' opinion on this and they also suggested that you gurls spend a day out with them to see where this goes. If it's okay with you girls of course. That's why I called you guys in here."

"Are you serious? You are not playing with us, are you?" Vicky asked, the other girls were speechless.

"I'm not." Marisol said, laughing. "I need you guys to think about this and come back to me, or you can tell me now if you want to go or not."

"Omg, yes of course."

""I'm definitely in."

"No doubt here."

"I'm so excited girls, omg." Said Becca.

"Ok, since you girls are so excited for this, I'll let them know straight away. You girls can go now and finish your breakfast." She said, smiling.

Becca was the first one to get up and it made them all laugh. They thanked housemother Nichols and left her office.

When they got in the hallway, they couldn't hold back their excitement any longer. They started talking really loud and over each other. They all wanted to say something, not letting the other one speak. Their morning had just been made.

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