Tell me how you feel!

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"But I have everything that I need." FP said.

"FP, I know you wanted kids. I know you wanted a big family." Alice said, fully crying now.

Alice and FP have been married for 5 years now. They are still as happy as the day they made those vows to each other. They are extremely happy with each other but one thing was missing. Alice was not able to have children. She had an accident when she was a little girl and the injuries were so bad that it was impossible for her to be able to bear children.

This has been a very hard thing for Alice to live with because she loved kids and she wanted ones of her own. And she knew FP also wanted children.

"Alice, I only want you to be happy."

"You know what FP, why don't you just cut the crap?" Alice said frustrated.

FP was now confused. "What are you talking about, Alice?"

"You acting like everything is fine when it's not. You acting like me not being able to have children is totally fine. How can you be so calm? Tell me how you feel! Tell me how frustrated you are! Tell me FP!" Alice was crying and screaming all at once.

FP did not understand what came over Alice. He honestly did want children but he knew it was a hard topic to discuss with Alice.

"Fine Alice. Yes, I do want kids. I do want a big family. But that's not what it's all about. I am happy just having you and having kids would've been a bonus but I honestly just want you to be happy, Alice."

Alice broke down. "FP, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I'm such a failure."

"Alice, you are anything but a failure. You are the most amazing woman i have ever met. I love you so much and I  need you to know that." He took her in his arms and played with het hair whole she silently sobbed into his chest.

"I love you, FP. So much."

They sat like this for a very long time until Alice suddenly sat up straight and looked FP straight into his eyes.

"What is it, Alice?" FP asked concerned.

"I know we haven't discussed this yet, but how do you feel about adopting?" Alice said with a little hope in her eyes.

FP smiled at her.

"I thought you would never ask."

Alice gave FP the biggest smile ever. For once, she had hope. That they could actually have their little family.

A Family's DreamWhere stories live. Discover now