Welcome to our home

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It was almost 4pm when they all left the park. The girls agreed to have dinner with FP and Alice. They were actually very excited. Both Alice and FP and the girls.

They were in the car now, on their way to the house. It was almost a 20 minute drive. They were all talking over each other. They agreed on ordering pizza, but was arguing on what kinds to order.

''Is two pizzas gonna be enough for you girls?'' alice asked, already knowing the answer to this.

''Uhmm..'' becca said. They all started to laugh.

''Maybe three?'' Vicky suggested and they all agreed.

''So what kind do you girls like?'' FP asked.

They all started talking over each other again.
Alice looked infront of her. She loved this. She loved how they all got along with each other, so quickly. She had a good feeling about this.  She looked at FP and saw him laughing with the girls. A sparkle in his eyes. This is a new side she hasn't seen before and she loves it.
Her thoughts were interrupted when Vicky suddenly talked loudly.

''Oh I know, what about a tuna pizza?'' she said.

''And maybe a champignon and ham one as well.'' Ann suggested.

''And the last one?'' Alice asked.

''Maybe you and Mr. Jones can pick that one.'' Becca said and the other girls agreed.

''The four seasons one?'' FP asked Alice.

''Ooh I love that one!'' Becca exclaimed.

''Becca, you love anything that's related to food.'' Rosie said laughing.

Becca just shrugged, smiling.

''Ok, we'll order it when we get home. 5 more minutes to go.'' FP said.

The rest of the drive was them discussing little things like their favorite songs and colors and stuff like that. They were getting to know each other more. Five minutes later they arrived at the Jones residence.

''Welcome to our home.'' FP said to them. They smiled at him and Alice, who delightfully returned the gesture.
FP went to unlock the door and held it open for the girls so they could walk in first.
Alice followed them but got stopped by FP at the door. He grabbed her and give a her quick passionate kiss.

"What was that about?" She asked.

"Nothing." He said and walked after her in the house.

"Your house is beautiful Mr. and Mrs. Jones." Ann said.

"Thank you, Ann." Alice said. "Mr. Jones just went into the kitchen to go order the pizzas and I'll be right back. You girls make yourselves at home." She said smiling and walking upstairs.

The girls went into the living room and looked around. There was a huge carpet on the floor and they decided to ditch the couches and sit on it. They sat in a circle and started talking.

"Wow, I could get used to this." Becca said.

"Becca!" Vicky said.

"What? Im being honest."

"Girls, today was so much fun. I love hanging out with them, hopefully it's not the last time." Ann said.

"I loved today too. Especially when Mr. Jones taught me to do my cart wheel." Said Vicky, looking very satisfied.

"Yeah, I loved when he and I talked about my writing. He seemed genuinely interested." Rosie said.

"Mrs. Jones is the sweetest. She kept making sure we were having fun and that we were okay. She's a natural mother. I wonder why they don't have kids of their own." Becca said.

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