A New Friend

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Y/n: "Oh I'm fine. Just can't wait to play with the playboy. He will be my puppet."

I laugh to myself and we walk to the others and head to P.E. My brain is going crazy to get to have Jungkook as my puppet. Oh this is going to be fun!

~Time skip~

We changed and we were in the gym with the boys. The teachers were explaining the "task" on what to do, we were going to practice with the boys on throwing and catching a football. The next few days we will be doing that and then we will play flag football. (A/n: Flag football is basically capture the flag but with a football, but you can throw the football or run or run and throw the football, ok, enough of me talking, back to the fanfic.)

Teacher: "Y/n you will be partnered with..."

Oh please, oh please, OH PLEEEAASSSEEE let it not be Jungkook!!!

Teacher: "Jimin!"

Ok, I'm fine with that. I look over to Jimin and I see him smirking at me. Ok, actually, I'd rather die right now. I roll my eyes and just listen to the teacher. After they were done calling the partners, Jimin and I chose a football and we started to do throw and catch.

Y/n: "Are you good at throwing and catching a football, or all you can catch is girls?"

Jimin laughed and he looked at me

Jimin: "Actually both princess."

Y/n: "DON'T call me princess! EVER!"

Jimin just smirked and started to walk to the opposite side the gym (A/n: The gym is pretty big by the way) and he threw me the football. Do you think I am one of the girls who just stand there and wait for the football to hit the ground and then get it? H*LL TO THE NO! I am a competitive bad*ss girl. I will not wait for a football to hit the floor. I run to the ball and catch it like a professional, well that's cause I am, back in the U.S, I was captain of the football team and the only girl and I was a pro at this game. The opposing team would be in the dust when I'm playing. When I threw the ball to Jimin he had to back up and then catch the ball. We were being professionals until Jimin couldn't jump high enough to get the ball and it flew pretty far. When he was getting the ball, I looked at the other girls and I saw them being wimps. I laughed a little. Then I had this weird feeling that a ball was going to hit me in the face and it was about to until I caught it without looking. I looked over to Jimin and he had his mouth wide open. I raised my eyebrow at him and threw the ball perfectly, right at his face with the perfect amount of force. He didn't catch it and it hit his face.


I was dying, Jimin looked at me and he saw me dying of laughter and he started to laugh too. It was funny though, he should have payed attention instead of just looked at me shocked.

~Time skip~

We were done and Jimin and I were getting a drink. He looked at me and smiled at me.

Jimin: "Not bad for a girl."

I laughed at him and wiped a few tears cause I laughed so hard that I started to cry.

Y/n: "I'm better than you, dumb*ss. I wouldn't be talking."

Jimin: "Oh yeah. If we get on separate teams when it's the game. We'll see who is better."

I laugh even harder and he looks at me shocked.

Jimin: "IT'S NOT FUNNY!"

Y/n: "Oh yes it is! Cause back in America, I was captain of the football team and I was the only girl and I was a pro at flag football."

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