Being the New Girl

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New home, new country, new city, new school, new problems. Oh well, life is like that way, new problems everywhere you go, seems strange but do I care? NOPE! I don't give a sh*t about the problems! I'd rather deal with it instead of being a little-

I am in my room sleeping and thinking about random stuff and enjoying the peace and quiet when all of a sudden my annoying a*s alarm clock blares out at me like I'm in the military.

Y/n: "SHUT THE F*CK UP!!!"

I can't stand being woken up, I'd rather stay asleep for years. But I have to or else my mom would be pissed at me. So I get up, unwillingly, and go and get ready. I take a shower, get my clothes on and do my make up. After doing my routine, I go to the kitchen and, as usual, see no one. My parent's are always on business trips so I have to take care of myself, which I don't mind. I eat and head to school, I get in my car and head to school.

Once I get there and get out of my car, student's on my left and right just stare and whisper among themselves about me. All I hear is;

Girl 1: "Who the hell does she think she is? God, I already hate her."

Girl 2: "But she looks sexy, I wish I was her."

Girl 1: "Shut up!"

Boy 1: "Dude, look at the new girl, she is hot. Damn!"

Boy 2: "Holy sh*t dude!"

I can't help but smirk to myself and walk into the building. Once inside I see people looking at me. Boys drooling and girls glaring. Typical. But then I see a crowd near the lockers, I walk over and see a girl on the ground, she is all banged up and her nose is bleeding. And then I hear;

???: "Ha! You think you can take Jungkook away from me, well I don't think so."

The girl started to kick her in the stomach. That b*tch was laughing while she was kicking the girl. That b*tch was so dead.

The next thing that b*tch saw coming was my fist in her face. She toppled to the ground with her hands on her nose and blood dripping from her nose and her screaming:

???: "WTF!? WTF!? WHO DID THIS?!"

I started to laugh my a*s off, and everyone started to laugh as well. The b*tch looked up at me and she stood up and yelled:


Y/n: "I think I know who I am and I don't care who you are. All you are to me is a piece of sl*tty trash. So get out of my face."

I gave a deadly glare and she swung her arm to hit me in the face but I caught her wrist quickly. I then pulled her face closer to mine and told her:

Y/n: "I can break your wrist right now, but if you don't want that to happen, get out of my sight."

She then tugged her arm away from my grip, and I let go, and she started to run away, but she looked back at me and gave me an evil glare and continued to run away. I looked back at the girl on the floor and helped her up.

Y/n: "Hey, are you okay? Do you need to go to the nurse?"

???: "No, I'm okay, I'm used to it. also, thank you."

Y/n: "Wow! People are jerks then, also my name is Y/n, and your welcome."

???: "Yeah people are jerks, and my name is Chaeyoung."

Y/n: "Nice to meet you Chaeyoung, I hope we become good friends."

Chaeyoung: "I hope so too."

Y/n: "Also, who was that sl*t?"

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