Why Are You Here?

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As I went into the gym I saw the one person that I thought I would see again in ages, the one person who I least expected to see at the gym.

Y/n: "Sehun?"

Then he turned around I'm met face to face with my old best friend that I have never seen for the past 12 years.

Y/n: "SEHUN!"

I see Sehun's eyes go big and start to water when he sees me. My eyes start to water too. It's been so long since I have seen him. I miss him so much. But why is he here?

Sehun: "Y/n!"

We embrace each other like we are long lost siblings finally seeing each other for the first time. Even though that isn't true, it feels like it. I haven't seen him in so long, he was, and still is, my best friend.

Sehun: "I m-missed you so-o much."

He was crying on my shoulder and we just stood there, arm in arm. Embracing the person we haven't seen for such a long time. He is the most coolest, kindest and sweetest person, I missed him. Still though, I am wondering why he is here in Seoul, South Korea.

Y/n: "I-I missed you too."


Sehun and I were playing around at the play ground. We were playing tag with each other and enjoying our time as 6 year olds would do.

Y/n: "TAG YOUR IT! Hahah!"

Sehun: "I'M GOING TO GET YOU Y/N! Hahaha!"

We were enjoying our time together, laughing and playing together. Once we were tired out we sat under a tree talking about what we would be when we grow up and other childish things.

Sehun: "Y/n?"

Y/n: "Yes, oppa?"

Sehun: "Um, I need, I need to tell you something."

Y/n: "Okay, what's up?"

Sehun: "I ha-"

Sehun's mother interrupted Sehun and was telling him it was time to leave. Sehun and I stood up and ran over to her.

Sehun's Mother: "Alright, time to say goodbye to Y/n, Sehun."

Sehun: "Bye Y/n. I'm going to miss you."

He mumbled the last part so I couldn't hear him and decided not to ask questions of what he said.

Y/n: "Bye Sehun! I can't wait to see you tomorrow!"

The next day when I went to school, I didn't see Sehun, but I thought he wasn't coming to school because he is probably sick so I didn't question it. Then me and my mommy went to the playground that Sehun and I would play at everyday, even if he was sick. When we went to the play ground I didn't see him. I don't know what's going on but I just continued to play around and be a child. After that day ever since, I didn't see Sehun, the day he didn't show up, the whole week I was waiting for him. Hoping to see him, but he never showed up. I realized that he would never come back. Ever since that day, I changed.

~End of Flashback~

We let go of each other after a couple of minutes. I asked the question that was nagging me since I saw him.

Y/n: "Why are you here?"

Sehun: "I moved here when I left the U.S. I'm sorry I didn't tell you why I left. I should've but when I wanted to tell you...I couldn't."

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