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Author's Note: I'm going to jump right into the story. If you haven't read the book before this, Protected, then you won't understand anything. For those of you who read Protected, welcome back!


I woke up. All I could think was HOT!

It felt as if my body was on fire, but I was conscious. I opened my eyes. I was laying in the bed in the guest room, the same one that was used when Farkle made his transformation. I guess that was what this room was used for. Josh and Zay were both at my bedside.

"Lucas," I muttered, "Where's Lucas?"

Zay and Josh exchanged looks.

"Don't worry about him," Josh said quickly, "Just worry about you. How do you feel?"

"Hot," I said.

"Really?" Zay asked, "How hot?"

"Very, very hot," I replied dryly.

"That's a good sign," Josh said, nodding, "It means the wolf genes are taking well to your body."

"Does Riley know?" I asked.

"No," Zay said, shaking his head, "We didn't want to ruin their honeymoon. We all know Riley and Farkle would come rushing back."

I nodded, "Good. I hoped so," I said.

"Your body is unusually well suited to the genes. We haven't really had to do anything much," Josh said. I touched my neck gingerly, right where Lucas had bitten me. There was a thick white bandage over it.

"Was it bad?" I asked.

Zay shrugged, "It wasn't a deep bite, if that's what you were asking. Wolf bites bleed badly no matter how deep they are. Unfortunately, to other other person in the house with the same blood types as you is Farkle. So we just bandaged it tightly and hoped for the best," he said.

"Will I make it?" I asked.

"So far, so good. You have about a day left. If everything keeps going this well, you should be good to go," Josh said. I nodded.

"I've got to go," Josh said, "Let me know if something happens." And with that, he walked out the door, and I heard his footsteps go up the stairs.

"Where's Lucas?" I asked.

Zay looked sheepish, "Lucas can't really forgive himself for this. He calls it a 'burden.' He thinks he ruined your life, that he screwed you over," Zay explained, "He hasn't been here since that night. He disappeared. But his scent hasn't left the house."

He was in the secret room, which made sense. I didn't tell Zay this. I wasn't about to betray Lucas's secret. He trusted me.

"A burden? He feels guilty?" I cried indignantly.

"Yeah. He said he forced you into immortality and wolf hood without your permission. In his eyes, what he did was as bad as when the Alpha changed Farkle," Zay explained.

"No, it was nothing like- he's nothing like- he didn't- that's not-" I spluttered.

Zay looked at me pityingly. I huffed.

"Can I tell you a secret?" I asked.

"Always. I swear I won't tell," Zay replied immediately.

I took a deep breath, "I had already decided I wanted to be one of you. I just didn't think Lucas would like it, so I was just waiting for a way to convince him," I explained.

Zay was silent.

"When did you decide?" he finally asked.

"The night of the bonfire," I admitted.

He nodded, "I thought so..." he paused, "But why would you want this? Any of this?"

"Lucas would've left me when I got old. And I needed longer than just one lifetime to spend with him," I said immediately. That was one of the only things I was sure of.

Zay chuckled, "I should've known." He looked at me fondly, "You know, if you survive, you won't make such a bad sister."

"Thanks," I said, offering him a small smile, "I'm glad you think so. What about Josh?"

"He already considers you his sister," Zay said, laughing loudly, "He has for a while. Josh is quick to like people. I liked you, too" he said quickly, seeing the look on my face, "Just not as much as Josh."

I nodded, "Now all I have to do is survive," I said.

"Easy," Zay said, waving his hand dismissively.

I yawned involuntarily.

"You should get some sleep," Zay said.

He reached over and turned the lamp off, plunging the room into a dusky grey. 

"See ya, Maya," Zay said, closing the door.

I would've replied, but I was already asleep.

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