Get Well Soon

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I woke up in the chair next to Riley's bed. Farkle lay curled up on the floor, since I was in the only chair. I sat up so fast my stomach lurched, and I had to lean back against the chair for another moment. After, I got up and kneeled next to Riley's head. Someone had pulled a blanket up to her chin, so the grotesque stitches were out of sight, but far from out of mind.

"Farkle," I whispered, nudging him with my toe. He stirred and sat up, rubbing his face. His eyes were bleary until they full on Riley, then they were sharply focused.

"How is she?" he asked.

I shrugged, "We're the only ones in here, so I doubt she's still critical. Good job with the stitches, by the way," I said.

"Thanks," he replied, not meeting my eyes.

"Was it hard?" I asked.

"You mean the part where I had to puncture the skin of the girl I love with a needle over and over and over and then sew her up like a patched pillowcase?" he asked. I winced.

"Sorry," he mumbled.

"Don't be," I said. There was a silence before Thea came bustling into the room. Farkle and I both jumped up to meet her.

"News?" I asked anxiously.

"She'll be fine," Thea replied warmly. 

"Yes!" Farkle and I cried together, jumping around the small room and doing a little jig. Thea chuckled good-naturedly.

"Her stitches will stay in for seven to ten days, we just have to make sure they stay dry and intact. As for her jaw, it isn't as severe as we thought, so she should be safe with a jaw wiring for a week or so," Thea explained.

"Jaw wiring?" I asked.

"It's when they wire your jaw shut to let the bones heal. Like a cast, but for your mouth," Farkle said.

"But the important part is that she's going to be okay," I said.

"Absolutely," Thea said, then she swept out of the room.

"I have to go, Farkle. I promised Lucas I would help him with the kids today. Will you be okay on your own?" I asked.

"Yeah," he said. His face looked a lot lighter now that we knew Riley would be okay. I nodded, hugged him, then walked out of the Infirmary. As I was leaving, Ethan stopped me.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Can you bring these to Riley?" he said, "You and Farkle are her only authorized visitors." 

Next to him stood a black cart on wheels. It was full of drawings and cards and stuffed animals. Basically, a massive cart of Get-Well-Soon gifts. I smiled and took the cart from Ethan, wheeling it back into Riley's room.

"What's that?" Farkle asked, standing up.

"Get well soon stuff for Riley," I said, pushing the cart into the corner, "I don't get it, we haven't even met any of the Pack. Not many, at least."

"No," Farkle shook his head, "You didn't meet many of the Pack. The first night we were here, Riley knocked on everyone's doors to introduce herself and give them cookies. Everybody here loves Riley."

I rolled my eyes and laughed, "I should've known."

"Get, go," Farkle said, waving his hands, "Lucas needs you!"

I smiled and left the Infirmary.

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