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The next days passed in the blur. Every night, I slept in our little burrow, with Lucas curled around me in wolf form. During the day, Josh, Zay, Riley, and Farkle helped me get ready for the baby.

We set up a nursery in the guest bedroom we used for wolf transformations. After a little while the babies were formed enough for us to smell them. Four babies: two boys, two girls, so we crammed four cribs into the nursery and made it as unisex as possible. However, we didn't have a lot of time to go nursery shopping, so all we really had were the cribs.

Unfortunately, I couldn't see my Mom anytime during the pregnancy.

We were trying to come up with a convincing story for how we got the quadruplets, and why they were aging so fast. Our only idea was to leave Taylorsville, disappear off the face of the Earth. People would ask questions, but it would settle back down sometime.

"What are you thinking about?" Lucas asked, touching my cheek.

"My Mom. And how there's a very good chance I'll never see her again," I said shortly.

"Don't say that," he gently touched my stomach, "We'll figure something out."

"It's just... when I imagined myself ever having kids, it would be with my Mom and Shawn and Topanga supporting me. At least I have all of you, but I wish my Mom could see me now. And it's really going to suck to go about knowing that the wedding was probably the last time I'm ever going to see my Mother," I leaned my head on Lucas's shoulder, "And if we get married? Will anyone get to come to that?"

I sighed, closing my eyes and putting my head in my hands.

"Like I said, we'll figure something out," he reassured me, playing with my hair.

I nodded and closed my eyes. 

"MAYA!" Riley's voice floated up the stairs.

"WHAT?" I yelled back.

"YOU NEED TO SEE THIS!" she replied.

"ON MY WAY!" I said.

"I'll see what it it," Lucas said, standing, "Stay here."

I rolled my eyes, "No. She asked for me, not you. I'm going to see what it is."

I stood up and marched out the door and down the stairs, ignoring Lucas.

The group were all gathered by the front door.

"What is it?" I asked, pushing in between Farkle and Riley. There was a massive U-Haul truck parked in the backyard.

"Who is that?" I asked, pushing in between Josh and Zay to get out the kitchen door. I ignored Lucas calling my name, and I approached the truck. There was a younger guy with a blond stubble driving the truck.

"Hey!" I called, rapping my knuckles on the car window.

The guy rolled the window down with an amused expression on his face.

"Yes, Miss?" he said.

"What is this?" I asked.

"A delivery from-" he squinted down at a paper next to him, "-Joseph Friar. I was asked to give this to-" another squint, "Maya Hart?"

"That's me," I said eagerly, reaching for the envelope he was handing to me. The envelope from Grand-Pappy Joe.

"I'll start unloading this," the guy said.

"Put it on the second floor, third door to the left," I said as I scanned the envelope.

It said,

Dear Maya,

I heard about the pregnancy, and I would like to say congratulations!  Lucas told me how excited the two of you are. I would also like to say sorry; I know it must be hard for you to do this with so few supporters. So, even though I know it won't make up for your lack of a mother and father at this time, I am sending you every item on your baby registry. I don't want you to have anything more to stress about. I am sending all of the things in a U-Haul truck. I can't wait to meet my great-grandchildren.

By the time I finished, Lucas had walked up behind me.

"What's up?" he asked.

I put the letter back in the envelope and stuck it in my pocket.

"Grand-Pappy Joe sent us our baby registry," I said.

Lucas's brow creased, "What do you mean, he sent it? I emailed it to his last weekend-"

"No, Lucas. He sent us everything on it," I said.

Lucas laughed, grabbing the letter out of my pocket.

"I knew I shouldn't have sent it! I told him some onesies would be fine!" Lucas said, shaking his head. He put his arm around my waist, and we walked back to the house.

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