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Lucas came home that night. We watched Doctor Strange, then went to bed.

The next day was spent with Lucas continuing to help Zay and Blake build a bigger Infirmary, and I spent the day helping two other girls with the babies.

The day after, I woke up at ten o'clock. Late!

"Lucas!" I yelled

"What?" he called from the bathroom.

"Why the hell didn't you wake me up? I was supposed to be up an hour ago! Riley wakes up in half an hour!" I shouted back.

"Sorry," he said. I rolled my eyes, threw the covers off, and jumped out of bed.

"Help me!" I said frantically to Lucas, who was looking at me wide-eyed while he brushed his teeth. He nodded, then turned around so quickly he ran into a counter. I suppressed a giggle while I pulled on my jeans. Lucas tossed me a t-shirt, which I pulled over my head so fast I tried to put my head through the arm hole and got one arm out the bottom of the shirt and the other out the head hole. Lucas roared with laughter as he helped untangle me. I socked him on the arm as I slipped my shoes on, grabbed his hand, and yanked him out the door.

"I still need to-" he protested.

"You needed to wake me an hour ago!" I cried. We set off in a dead sprint to the Infirmary. I pushed the door open and tiptoed into the Infirmary room. Riley was laying on the bed, beads of sweat on her forehead. I rushed to her bedside and sat down. She opened her eyes and blinked a few times.

"Riles?" I whispered.

"Peaches?" she whispered back.

I smiled, and she started to sit up. I grabbed her hand and helped her out of bed. The transformation worked. I could tell because of the small, define muscles I could see under her t-shirt. She started to clench them to transform, but Thea shooed us out.

"No, no, no, no transformation in the Infirmary! Out!" she cried, pushing us out into the open air. Riley and I laughed together for the first time since she asked me to change her, and it felt great.

"Ready?" I said.

"Ready." She replied.

We sprinted towards the woods, and I willed myself into a wolf. I felt my skin ripple, and my paws hit the ground. I turned my head to the side even as I sprinted towards the woods and saw Riley in her wolf form with the same smiling eyes. I yipped, and she replied. We ran into the woods, and I heard Lucas, Zay, Josh, and Farkle behind us. Trees whipping my face, I ran faster than I had ever run. This was our life now. We were wolves.

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