Seven Hours

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We left the day after the next.

August would probably be here soon, so we couldn't waste any time.

Grand-Pappy Joe would be coming with us, and he rented us three massive U-Haul trucks to carry all of our stuff.

So, the day after, we spent from dawn to dusk loading up the truck. In one, we managed to fit all of the beds, the dressers, the nightstands, and the kitchen table and the fridge, and most of the kitchen appliances. With the extra room, we fit the sofas and the TV, as well as small boxes full of all of the stuff in the bathroom

In the second truck, we fit all of the exercise equipment, the lounge chairs, and all of the stuff from the nursery, plus some boxes of books. The entire third truck was full of books from both libraries.

The morning after, we woke up early to eat breakfast and do some final packing. A tear escaped my eye as I carried the last box of books to truck number three.

"Mama?" Isabella said inquisitively, crawling to my leg. I picked her up in one arm and kissed her on her nose. She looked at me curiously before patting my face with one tiny hand, then laying her head on my shoulder. We walked outside, and I handed to box to Zay, who loaded it into the truck with a similarly sad expression. 

Lucas walked over and put his arm around me. Riley stood on my other side, holding Connor and Mason in each arm. Josh appeared next to Lucas, holding Scarlet. Zay slammed the books truck shut and took his place in the line. Farkle stood next to Riley, holding her hand. 

Silently, we all looked up at the spectacular house that was our home. Riley and I wiped away tears, Zay and Josh shook their heads and looked sadly at the ground, Lucas stared grimly up at his old house, Farkle gave Riley's hand a reassuring squeeze.

Then, we got into our cars and didn't look back.

I was riding with Lucas, Isabella, Connor, Mason, and Velvet, the laziest of the kittens, in Lucas's car. Zay and Josh rode together with Teacup, Juliet, Lacey, Duchess and Olympia, five of the other kittens. Riley and Farkle had Mason, as well as Briar. Grand-Pappy Joe rode alone in his car with Gala, the Mama cat. Lucas and I were quiet for most of the ride. I held Isabella on one knee, feeding her bits of a blueberry muffin. Connor was cuddling with Velvet, both of them asleep, and Scarlet was biting on a teething toy, since her teeth were already starting to come in.

"How long is the drive?" I asked a grim-faced Lucas. His expression softened the second I spoke.

"It's a seven-hour drive, so we'll only have to stop for lunch. We'll be there by four-thirty, at the latest," he answered promptly.

I nodded and settled in. Seven hours was a long time.

I pulled my phone out and started texting Riley.

Maya: Hey, Riles

Riley: Hey

Riley: How's Lucas doing?

Maya: He's pretty upset

Riley: And you?

Maya: I'm pretty upset, too

Riley: Yeah. It really felt like... our home, you know?

Maya: Yeah. It wasn't the same when it was just the three of us

Riley: Agreed

Riley: I'm going to miss Taylorsville

Maya: Surprisingly, me too

Riley: At least we're going somewhere similar to Taylorsville

Maya: Speaking of that, did Farkle tell you why West Virginia was so special?

Riley: No

Riley: He said it was a secret

Maya: So did Lucas!

Riley: Weird. I guess we'll find out in seven hours

Maya: See you when we stop for lunch

Riley: How long till then?

Maya: Three hours?

Riley: Fine

Maya: See you then

Riley: Bye

I turned my phone off and leaned my head against the back of the seat.

Seven more hours.

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