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The next morning, I woke up in underwear and Lucas's t-shirt. He was next to me, with his arms around me, wearing only his boxers. I smiled and disentangled myself from him and put on some leggings, but I didn't change out of his t-shirt. It smelled like him, which I loved.

I pulled the blanket back over Lucas and pecked him on the cheek, but he didn't wake up.

"Love you," I whispered.

I went downstairs to eat breakfast before anyone else woke up, because I didn't feel like dealing with the morning clamor. Right now, all of the noise and acticty would probably give me a headache, since I was so used to the quiet, still monotony of the forest for the past few weeks.

However, when I walked into the kitchen, surprise! I wasn't alone.

Zay, Josh, Farkle, and Riley were draped around the kitchen, clearly trying to look casual, but failing miserably.

"Good morning," I said, opening the fridge.

"It is a good morning, isn't it?" Josh said.

"What?" I asked. I turned around, and they were all looking at me with smug smirks on their faces.

"Maya's not a virgin... Maya's not a virgin," Riley sang quietly. Zay and Josh laughed.

"Guys!" I said incredulously.

"Was he good?" Josh asked.

"Yeah, I think he was," Zay said.

"That's why she has sex hair," Farkle chimed in.

I smoothed my hair down self-consciously.

"I do not!" I cried, turning to inconspicuously look at my reflection in the fridge. I really did have sex hair. 

"Yes, you do!" Riley sang.

I felt the blood rush to my face.

"I thought you were mad at him?" Farkle asked.

"I was," I said, glad at the change of subject, "But then he called himself a dumb ass and a dip-shit, as well as a few other choice words." I snickered at the memory.

"And you realized he was good in bed," Zay said.

"Shut up, Zay!" I cried. 

Suddenly, my stomach rolled. I ran over to the sink and retched into it. Then I ran the faucet to clean the sink, wiping the spit off my face with a paper towel.

"Whoa! Are you okay?" Farkle asked.

"Yeah, just a little catch in my stomach," I said dismissively. The feeling was gone as quick as it came.

I stretched, flexing my new muscles and stretching my arms up in the air. I felt the cold air poke at my stomach.

"Maya," Riley said quietly.

"No more talking about my sex life," I said sternly.

"No... Maya, your stomach!" she cried.

I looked down, but I didn't see anything. I stretched my arms back up so my stomach was exposed, but then I saw it.

A small bump, right in between my hips. Small, but very defined. 

I shrugged, "I gained a little weight when I was gone," I said. But as the words came out of my mouth, it did sound odd. I wasn't eating particularly well. Some edible leaves, nuts, berries. A rat here and there if I was ravenous. I should have lost weight, not gained it.

"I don't think so, Maya," Josh said, staring stunned at my stomach.

"Seriously, guys?" I asked, "You think I'm pregnant? I was a... you know... a virgin until last night. There's no way."

But no one answered.

"What aren't you telling me?" I demanded.

Josh's lips were moving, but no sound came out.

"What is it, Josh?" I said impatiently.

"Werewolf pregnancies only take two weeks," he said.

"But still, my body wouldn't have registered.." But I stopped. Because, based on the looks on everyone's faces, my body would have registered. 

Suddenly, I felt something move inside of me.

I jumped backwards and fell into the fridge, gasping. Zay and Josh bolted to my side, holding my arms, keeping me steady.

"What is it, Maya?" Riley asked, jumping up.

"I- felt- a- kick-" I gasped.

Zay and Josh exchanged glances. 

I was pregnant.

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