New Family

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"What do you mean?" I said, hopping out of the car. Lucas followed me, with Zay, Josh, Farkle, and Riley running along with us.

"They're the rest of our Pack," Lucas said.

"Seriously?" I asked, "All of them."

"All of them," Lucas said. He studied my face and gnawed on his lip. I could tell he was waiting to gauge my reaction.

"Awesome!" I said, smiling hugely. All my life, it had been just Riley, Farkle, my Mom, and me. To have that big of a family was amazing. And wolf Packs were like families. If they were all my Pack, then they were my brothers and sisters and aunts and uncles, and it gave me a headache just to think about it.

Lucas smiled broadly and kissed me on the cheek.

"Let's go meet them!" he said, "They're going to love you."

"Here's to hoping," I said, smiling breathlessly.

We went to the crowd that awaited us- ten to fifteen people- a huge Pack.

The first person that greeted me were twin guys that looked a little older than me.

"I'm Evan," one said.

"I'm Ethan," the other said.

"We're twins," they said in unison.

"I'm Maya," I said, laughing.

They each shook one of my hands. They were identical- brown hair, green eyes, tall and muscular. One was more muscular than the other- Ethan, I think. That was one of the only ways to tell them apart other than the scar on Ethan's neck- a small white impression the size and shape of an apple seed.

Ethan and Evan left quickly to embrace Josh, clapping each other on the back and yelling. When they separated, Josh saw me looking at them.

"My brothers!" Josh said, one arm around each of them. I smiled and nodded.

Suddenly, someone ran up to me, picked me up, and spun me in a circle.

"Who the hell-" I stuttered as he put me down. He was a big, muscular black guy, older than me, with mischievous brown eyes and a huge smile.

"Hey, Maya! I'm Blake, Zay's brother. I've heard so much about you! You're my little sister now, so I reserve the right to barge into your house at any time. We're gonna be great friends!" he boomed, then sprinted away to tackle Zay. I laughed and looked over my shoulder to Lucas.

A girl with brown hair, brown eyes, and a falsely naive smile was hanging all over Lucas, arms around his neck. Lucas was talking angrily to her, and he removed her arms from his neck and pushed her away. She came back, putting her hand on his chest. He pushed her away again.

I ran over to Lucas and put my arms around him. He looked at me gratefully and put his arm around my waist.

"Is there a problem?" I asked the girl.

"No, no problem. I'm Missy. Missy Bradford. I wish I could say it was a pleasure to meet you," she hissed, "Bye, Lucas!" she said that last part sweetly, wiggling her fingers at him.

"Who was that?" I asked him as Missy flounced away.

"Missy was supposed to be my Mate before I left and Morphed to you," Lucas said, his mouth set into a hard line.

I shivered, "You liked her?"

Lucas chuckled and leaned down to kiss me.

"They're your family now," he said.

"I know."

My family.

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