Nap Time

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Riley went home to spend the day with Farkle, and Lucas and I spent the day at home with the kids.

When Lucas went to make lunch for all of us, I studied the kids, how they had grown so fast. It had only been a week or so, but they had already grown to one year olds.

Isabella had brown hair that was in little baby curls, and brown eyes. Scarlet's hair was already a few inches long; it was clear now that she would have very long hair; and pitch black, but I don't know where the black hair color came from. Scarlet's eyes were the exact shade of green as Lucas's. Mason had brown hair, too, and hazel eyes, an even mixture of Lucas's eyes and my eyes. Connor had blond hair, my hair, and Lucas's eyes. Scarlet was already two feet, six inches, while Isabella and Connor were both shorter: two feet, four inches. Mason was huge, already two foot ten inches.

I picked up Mason and pressed my forehead to his. He tilted his head back and started biting my nose gently, his little teeth scraping the tip of my nose. I laughed and put him back down. 

Lucas came back in with two sandwiches and a bowl of fruit. He handed me one of the sandwiches and then sat next to me. Connor crawled into Lucas's lap, and Lucas handed him a piece of apple, which Connor gnawed on happily. I took a bite out of my sandwich and looked at the cradles.

"How much longer do we have until they're teenagers?" I asked.

"A little over two months until they're thirteen," he said.

I sighed, tearing an orange into slices and handing them to Isabella.

"They say, 'they grow up so fast,'" Lucas said, "But werewolves mean it literally."

I leaned my head on Lucas's shoulder, and he put his arm around me. I buried my face in his neck and handed Isabella the last of the orange slices.

"At least they're immortal," I said.

"We'll have them forever," he replied.

"Forever and ever and ever..." I mumbled. Lucas chuckled. He stood up, taking Connor with him, and put Connor in his cradle. He was already half asleep, and his head lolled to the side as he fell the rest of the way asleep. I checked my phone. 12:30. Nap time.

One by one, we put them in their cribs for naps. Scarlet was the last to go to sleep, sitting bolt upright and looking around for the better part of an hour, before finally going to sleep.

Lucas and I stood above the cradles, his arm around me, my head on his chest, looking down at the sleeping kids. 

"Two more months," I breathed.

We turned around and went back into the living room. I flopped down on the couch, and Lucas came from the kitchen with two cups of soda. We didn't drink during the day. Only after the kids went to sleep.

"Cheers," he said. I clicked my cup on his and we drank them in silence for a few minutes.

"Two more months," Lucas said.

"Make the most of it," I replied.

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