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I went straight to the cottage after I left the Infirmary. As I walked towards it, I saw Missy leaving it. She looked slightly disgruntled, but she rearranged her face into a cool, smug expression when she saw me. She was wearing a school girl skirt that barely covered her, and a crop top. She never wore those. Unless, of course, she went to my house when I was away to hit on my mate. She tried to saunter past me, but I grabbed her arm.

"I don't know what you're doing here," I hissed, "But if you ever come back again... well, the ninth circle of hell will look like a playground. Go get laid, and stay away from Lucas." I shoved her away from me, and she stumbled off across the clearing.

Feeling much better, I went into the cottage. Lucas met me by the front door, pecking me on the lips and putting his arm around my waist.

"We had a visitor," he said.

"I know," I replied calmly, "Trust me, she won't be coming back again."

Lucas looked down at me, smiling, and I stole a kiss, biting his bottom lip as I pulled away, then skipping off to the nursery. Lucas laughed dazedly and leaned against the wall.

"Mommy's here!" I cried as I ran into the nursery. The kids were all playing with different toys on a big checkered playing mat. 

"Mama!" Scarlet screeched, banging two blocks together. Mason banged his little fist on my shoe, squealing with laughter. 

"Up! Up!" Isabella said, putting her arms out. I picked up Isabella just as Connor wrapped his little arms around my leg. Lucas walked in and leaned against the door frame, smiling.

"Did you ever think you might be a mother?" he asked, coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around me.

"Never, let alone a werewolf mother of quintuplets," I said. He laughed and nuzzled my neck. "I should probably learn how to cook."

"Take lessons from Riley," he said. "How is she, by the way?"

"She'll be okay. Her whole stomach and chest are stitched up. The stitches don't come out for another ten days. And she has to get her jaw wired," I explained. Lucas winced.

"No talking?" he asked.

"And no eating solid foods," I finished.

He grimaced, "That's rough." I nodded in agreement.

"What did Missy want?" I asked.

"Me," he said. I laughed at the very thought. Lucas would never pick her over me. Lucas was... Lucas was...


I felt jittery, strange, the hair on my arms was standing on end. My neck prickled, and my eyesight went black around the edges. I put Isabella down so I wouldn't risk hurting her if I lost consciousness. I paced back and forth, fiddling with my bracelet. I looked up at Lucas's face for some clue as to what was going on.




Lucas. Lucas. Lucas. Lucas. Lucas. Lucas. Lucas. Lucas.Lucas. Lucas. Lucas. Lucas.Lucas. Lucas. Lucas. Lucas.Lucas. Lucas. Lucas. Lucas.Lucas. Lucas. Lucas. Lucas.Lucas. Lucas. Lucas. Lucas.Lucas. Lucas. Lucas. Lucas.Lucas. Lucas. Lucas. Lucas.Lucas. Lucas. Lucas. Lucas.Lucas. Lucas. Lucas. Lucas.Lucas. Lucas. Lucas. Lucas.Lucas. Lucas. Lucas. Lucas.Lucas. Lucas. Lucas. Lucas. Lucas. Lucas. Lucas. Lucas. Lucas. Lucas. Lucas. Lucas.Lucas. Lucas. Lucas. Lucas.Lucas. Lucas. Lucas. Lucas.Lucas. Lucas. Lucas. Lucas.Lucas. Lucas. Lucas. Lucas.Lucas. Lucas. Lucas. Lucas.Lucas. Lucas. Lucas. Lucas.Lucas. Lucas. Lucas. Lucas.Lucas. Lucas. Lucas. Lucas.Lucas. Lucas. Lucas. Lucas.Lucas. Lucas. Lucas. Lucas.Lucas. Lucas. Lucas. Lucas.Lucas. Lucas. Lucas. Lucas.

He was amazing and handsome and strong and brave and I loved him more than anyone and anything else and his eyes were so sparkly and I would take a bullet for him. Take a bullet for him. Hell, I would shoot the bullet myself if it meant he would be safe.

"Maya?" Lucas said, "Maya, what's wrong?"

I looked up at him.

"I just Morphed."

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