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I paced back and forth outside of the Infirmary door. Stupid werewolf law said that Riley could chose if she wanted to be changed, and who changed her. Stupid werewolf law said that if Riley chose me, then I had to change her. No matter what. Riley chose me.

Riley was in the Infirmary with Thea and Farkle. They were stabilizing her, getting her ready for the transformation. They had blood ready, in case she needed a transfer. They had pillows and blankets and pain meds and everything else they would need to make sure Riley survived. 

But I still knew that she might not survive.

"Maya?" Farkle said, poking his head out the door.

"Hm?" I replied distractedly.

"It's time."

I went into the Infirmary slowly, trying to make Riley's time as a human as long as possible. When I entered, she was laying peacefully on the bed, looking contentedly around the room. Her face lit up when she saw me.

"Maya!" she cried. I didn't respond. I turned my head away and chewed at one of my fingernails.

"Are you sure about this?" I asked quietly.

"Of course I'm sure, Maya," her voice had a biting edge that I wasn't used to. I looked up, surprised.

"This isn't all abut you, Maya. Not everything is all about you. This is about me and Farkle and everyone I love. You're a small part of a very big picture. Just because you don't want me to be one of you doesn't mean you get to make all of my decisions for me," she glared down at the blankets. I crossed my arms and glared in the other direction.

"Okay, girls," Thea said calmly, "Riley, do you really want your last human memory to be of fighting with Maya?" she raised her eyebrows at Riley.

"No," Riley said softly. Thea nodded, satisfied.

"Are you ready, Maya?" Thea asked.

"No," I said under my breath. I took a deep breath and nodded.

"Okay, fantastic!" Thea said, "As you know, you will need to bite her on her neck for the bite to be effective. Try not to crush any muscles, that will just cause her more pain then she will already be experiencing. Don't be shy, Maya. Everything will be okay." Thea patted me reassuringly on the shoulder.

"Go on, then. Do it," she said.

I took a deep breath and knelt down next to Riley. I took her hand and squeezed it between mine. She smiled reassuringly.

"I love you so much, Riles," I said.

"I love you too. Now don't crush any muscles," she replied smiling wryly.

"Not funny."


I brought my face closer to her neck. She tilted her head to the side and swept her hair from her neck with her free hand. The other hand was still closed tightly in mine. I opened my mouth and bit her neck gently. I bit harder, hoping I didn't crush any muscles. I felt her tense up, her hand going rigid in mine. I immediately wanted to stop, but I knew I would only have the strength to do this once. So, all of a sudden, I bit down as hard as I could. Riley screamed, and I felt the flesh tear under my teeth. I tasted Riley's metallic, salty blood in my mouth, and I felt bile rise in my throat. I jumped up and ran to the sink in the corner of the room, retching and coughing. I shoved my head under the faucet and let the cold water into my mouth. I swished it around, cleaning the blood off my teeth, and spit it back into the sink. I started to run out of the room, but I hesitated at Riley's bed.

She was rigid, her limbs spasming. Her eyes were wide, and she looked around wildly. I love you. I mouthed to her. She saw me and gave a tiny nod of acknowledgment. Then, she passed out.

I ran out of the room and away from her.

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