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"Maya," Lucas said, sticking his head in the living room, "The Elders want an audience with us."

"Just us, or everybody else, too?" I asked.

"You, me, Riley, and Farkle," he said.

I nodded and followed him out of the living room, which now had our soft gray sofa and our TV in it.

"I wonder why," I commented as we walked towards the meeting hall. Lucas shrugged. 

When we got there, Riley and Farkle had already arrived. Also in the hall were two old men, and Thea, the old woman who had shown us to our house. One of the old men had white hair and sat in a wheelchair with a blanket across his lap. The other, grey-haired, with a cane leaning against his chair at the meeting table.

"Hello, Lucas," the wheelchair-bound man said.

"Hello, Amos," Lucas greeted him.

"I assume this is your lovely mate?" he said.

"Yes, this is," Lucas said, putting his arm around me.

"Please, have a seat," Amos said, gesturing to the chairs that surrounded the table. We took seats across from Farkle and Riley.

"Now," Amos said, "We have six brief matters to attend to." Six? I hoped I wasn't in trouble already. We had just gotten there. "But, before I address these matters, I would like you to meet my fellow elders. My brother, Frederick," the gray-haired man gave a little wave, "And his wife, Thea," the woman smiled warmly.

"Hello," I said.

"So, down to business," Amos said, "First, correct me if I am at a fault, but this young lady is still human, correct?" He gestured to Riley.

"Yes, she is, but I assure you-" Lucas started, but Amos silenced him with a wave of his hand.

"At ease, Lucas. I am simply making sure she knows the dangers of living with circa twenty werewolves in close proximity. You are educated as to the risks, dear, and you are okay with them?" he said, turning to Riley.

"Yes, Mister Amos," Riley said, nodding her head vigorously.

Amos chuckled, "'Mister Amos,' I like this girl, I do. I'm glad you know what you are dealing with. My second matter was to congratulate you on your wedding. So, congratulations."

"Thank you," Farkle said, and Riley beamed.

"Now," Amos turned to Farkle, "I would like to formally apologize for the actions of Corey, your former Pack leader, on behalf of the Green Bank Pack. It is traditional to get the human's permission before turning them, but to do it to them without telling them beforehand is inexcusable. His grief is no excuse for his behavior. I'm sorry, son," Amos patted Farkle on the shoulder.

"It's okay, sir, I find that I like life this way much better," Farkle assured him.

"Three matters down, one to go," mused Frederick.

"Yes, yes. Matter number four, connected to matter number three, if for you, Lucas," Amos looked pointedly at him, "Your Mate's transformation was not your fault, I assure you. Often in the heat of passion, accidents happen that we do not anticipate." I felt the blood rush to my face. He knew the exact circumstances of my transformation: That Lucas tried to give me a hickey, but instead gave me wolfhood. Lucas avoided Amos's eyes, and I could tell he was blushing, too, but Amos seemed not to notice.

"Matter number five is that of your pregnancy, Maya. I congratulate you on your new pups. Four is an impressive litter, even for a werewolf. I take you had no problems with the pregnancy?" he asked.

"None at all," I answered, taking Lucas's hand, "He took really good care of me."

"It is a wolf's instinct to guard his mate and his pups. But I do not doubt the increased ferocity Lucas exhibited during your pregnancy. I am glad it went smoothly," he said. I nodded at him gratefully.

"Our last, simple matter, is that you may speak to any of us, the Elders, if you need assistance. Now, I must tend to other matters, so I will be seeing you quite soon, I hope," he said, giving us our cue to leave. 

I turned to leave, but Lucas remained behind.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah," he said lightly, "Just need to speak to Amos for a sec. Go ahead, I'll catch up."

I knew better than to stay behind, so I left the meeting hall. I walked as slowly as I could back and forth outside the door, waiting for him. True to his word, Lucas reemerged from the hall seconds later.

"What was that about?" I asked, running to meet him.

"We need to find homes for Gala and her kittens. Amos is taking two of them," he explained.

I nodded, "I thought it was something serious."

Lucas put his arm around my waist, and we went back to the house.

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