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My head is pounding, throbbing, pulsing, whatever word you want to use. My stomach is churning. I'm all sweaty, and my mouth is dry. I turned over on my side, gasping for air.

"Maya?" Lucas said sleepily, "What's wrong?"

"It's the stress," I croaked, gaining control of my breathing again. Lucas rolled over and put his arm around me. I winced at the pain in my ribs, and he pulled his arm up slightly so that he was still touching me, but there was no weight on my side.

"Stay home today," he said.

"I can't," I replied, my voice scratchy, "I promised Thea I would help with Riley in the Infirmary."

"You can't help Riley in the Infirmary if you're busy dying of stress. Every tiny negative fluctuation would upset you. You're going to give yourself an ulcer, and those are painful," he protested.

"You wouldn't know," I said harshly, "You weren't there for my transformation."

There was a moment of silence, and I immediately regretted snapping at him.

"Lucas, I-"

"You're staying," he said, his voice rough. He got up and went to the bathroom, and I didn't argue.

I huffed and closed my eyes, pulling the covers up to my nose and snuggling into the pillows. I guess I was staying home today. I fell halfway asleep and heard the water run in the bathroom. A few minutes later Lucas came out in his boxers and started getting ready.

"I'm sorry I snapped at you," I said. 

"Don't worry about it. You're right. I deserved it," he replied, pulling his shirt over his head and slipping on a pair of jeans.

"No, you didn't," I said, shaking my head. He opened his mouth to protest, but I cut him off, "You can't stay home today? It'll be so much better if I have company."

"I promised Zay and Blake I would help them build Thea a bigger Infirmary. She really, really needs one," he explained, giving me an apologetic look. The babies were out today, hanging out with different members of the Pack. I wasn't worried. I trusted the Pack completely. They were my family, and they swore blood oaths against harming active members of the Pack.

"Oh," was all I said, pulling the covers tighter around myself.

He went into the kitchen but returned shortly after. He put three books and a box on my nightstand.

"What's this?" I asked, sitting up.

"One of them is one of my poetry books, the other one is the sixth Harry Potter book, I know that one's your favorite, and the last one is a 1000 page special edition Archie comic, because I know that's your favorite comic book," he said, tapping lightly on the binding of each book.

"And the box?" I said, leaning over.

"Food," he explained, patting the top of the box.

"What kinds of food?" I arched an eyebrow at him playfully.

"Gummy worms, fruit snacks, mini donuts, brownie bites, Oreos, chocolate bars, Twinkies, Reese's pieces, Cheetos, Pringles, and Doritos," he said, ticking them off on his fingers.

I laughed, "I'm stressed, not on my period. That's next week. Can you get me another one of these?"

Lucas smiled and kissed me on the cheek, then left the room.

"Trying to make me fat!" I yelled after him.

"You're beautiful no matter what!" he shouted back, then I heard the front door slam. I pulled a bag of gummy worms out of my box and settled down into the bed with a stupid smile on my face.

This would be a long day.

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