Final Note

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The End!

I have been writing this story for what seems like forever, and I can't help but be a little bit upset that it's over!

I would like to thank everyone who stuck with me until the very end, commenting, voting, and giving me the support I needed to push through and turn what I thought would be a small story into a ninety-something total story of two books.

My next story is something I've already started working on. It's called Sleigh Bells, and it is about Maya, Lucas, Riley, Farkle, and Zay spending their Christmas break in snowy Washington. I promise I have a lot more planned for it than it sounds.

As I said, I have around sixty total ideas, all of them Lucaya. Some are real world, some are supernatural, and I want you guys to stick around to read all of them.

If you don't mind, please comment the answer to these questions!

1) Who was your favorite villain in the story? This isn't which character did you like more, this is which villain do you think did the best job of being evil? (Mason, Corey, August,)

2) Who was your favorite character in the new West Virginia family?

3) Who was your favorite out of Maya and Lucas's kids?

4) What was your favorite chapter in Protected?

5) What was your favorite chapter in Protector?

6) What was your favorite chapter overall?

Anyway, please stay tuned for my new stories!



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