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I sat down at the table, taking deep breaths. I was happy, of course. Once Josh and Zay explained that it was totally normal and healthy and safe for me and the baby, and that they were just shocked, I was a lot less scared. And the shock gradually went away, too. I was going to be the proud mother of a small litter of werewolf babies (werewolves have less babies than normal wolves.)

Josh said that werewolf pups are human for six months while they grow. It only takes these six months for them to grow to be eighteen years old, physically and mentally. When they hit six months, they turn into werewolf, which is totally natural and safe, since it's genetic. Then they're set for life.

Honestly, it was so overwhelming, the thought of me being a mother. I had never thought of myself as a mother, but it seemed fine once I thought about it. Besides, I wouldn't be alone. The babies would have their Dad, their Aunt Riley, their Uncle Farkle, Uncle Zay, and Uncle Josh. The more I thought about it, the happier I got. 

Lucas walked into the kitchen with Zay and Josh.

"What's up, Maya?" Lucas asked, his eyes concerned.

"I'm pregnant," I said quietly.

"No way," he said, "Are you joking?" He looked between Zay and Josh.

I felt another kick, and my hand jerked to my stomach. Lucas caught the motion with his eyes and his eyebrows went up.

"You're really pregnant?" he asked.

"Yes," I said.

"This is great!" he cried, his face breaking out into a huge smile. He was all over me, touching the bump, talking to it. When he wasn't, he just couldn't sit still. If he was in wolf form, I imagined something that looked like your dog when you get home from school: Tail wagging, jumping back and forth, tongue hanging out. The thought made me giggle.

"Hey," Lucas said a few minutes later, after the initial shocked excitement had faded, "Are you okay?"

"With what?" I asked, rubbing my belly.

"With the pregnancy? I'm excited, but I didn't think to ask how you feel. We can get rid of it if you want to," his voice betrayed barely contained emotion. He knew I was scared of commitment. And the fact that he was so excited about the babies, that he loved them already, but he would still be willing to give them up if I didn't want them, made me love him even more. However, the thought repulsed me.

"No!" I cried, "Lucas, don't even think that," I lowered my voice, "I'm just as excited as you are."

His face broke out into the puppy dog grin again, and I couldn't help but smile back at him.

"Only three weeks," I said.

He smiled, "Too long."

"Baby names?" I asked.

"I've thought of two boy names," he said.

I grinned, "Since five minutes ago when you found out?"

"One of them, yes," he smiled sheepishly, "The other one was just something I'd had in my head. I always wanted to name my son it."

"I'm listening," I said, still absentmindedly rubbing my belly.

"I just thought of Mason," he said, "And the other one was Connor."

"I like those names! Can we make one of their middle names Shawn? Because Shawn changed my life, I think that's the least I can do," I said.

Lucas nodded thoughtfully, "Mason Shawn Friar-Hart has a nice ring to it," he said.

"It does," I agreed, "And Connor's middle name?"

"We could make his middle name Joseph, after my Grand-Pappy Joe," he said.

"I like that!" I exclaimed, "Connor Joseph Friar-Hart."

Lucas and I both smiled at the sound of it.

"Girl names?" he asked.

"I've always wanted to name my daughter Isabella," I answered promptly.

"I like it," he rubbed his chin, "Simple, beautiful. Like you," he smiled and pecked my cheek.

"You think I'm simple?" I asked, pretending to be offended.

He laughed, and pressed his hand to my bump.

"Her middle name could be Riley. I've only known her for a year and she still had a big impact on me," Lucas suggested.

I smiled, "She does that," I said, "Isabella Riley Friar-Hart. Has a nice ring, don't you think?"

"Indeed," he said.

There was a pause, "The other girl?" Lucas asked.

I tilted my head in thought.

"Scarlet," I muttered.

"Scarlet?" he asked.

"There was a girl at school named Scarlet. I always liked the name. It was fierce, strong, but still really pretty," I said.

"Also like you," Lucas said.

"You're too kind," I said, smiling.

"A middle name for Scarlet?" Lucas asked.

"Katherine," I immediately said, "Katy, like my Mom."

Lucas grinned, "I like them all. So, to recap, we have Mason Shawn Friar-Hart, Connor Joseph Friar-Hart, Isabella Riley Friar-Hart, and Scarlet Katherine Friar-Hart?" he asked.

"Perfect." I replied.


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