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An older woman with a stern expression, but smile lines around her eyes, led us to our new house. Her name was Thea, she said.

Lucas offered me the small golden key to our little house. I opened the door and went into the bare cottage that was our home now. It had white walls in every room, and stone floors throughout the house. The front and back door were ornately carved dark wood to match the window sills and door frames. The whole place was empty right now, save for the oven, dishwasher, etc, etc. The U-Haul trucks would be here later to deliver all of our stuff. 

I walked through the small house with Lucas, looking at the rooms. There was a den, a kitchen, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, two linen closets, a walk-in pantry, and a small laundry room. To sum it up: it was cozy. It was perfect.

We were going to use one of the bedrooms for Lucas and I, and the other two bedrooms would be for the kids. Scarlet and Isabella would share; Connor and Mason would get the other room.

I walked back outside with Lucas following close behind me. The whole pack had a village of their own. Lucas told me the first elders built the houses and the facilities brick by brick with their hands. Each person (couple, family, etc) had their own house. Then, they had a meeting hall.

Lucas led me to the meeting hall. It was a large brick building with heavy, ornately engraved oak doors. In the front, there was a bulletin board. There was a sheaf of paper that read Haven Rules.

"Haven?" I asked, turning to Lucas, "What do they mean by 'Haven'?"

"That's what they call this place," he explained, "Green Bank Wolfhaven."

I nodded and turned back to the rules.

1 - No silver

2 - Pants must be worn at all times

3 - No transforming in the meeting hall

4 - No howling after midnight

5 - No fighting in the meeting hall

I snorted, "No howling after midnight? Pants must be worn at all times? Who chose these rules?" I asked.

"The Elders. But they only make a rule for our benefit, and these aren't even the complete rules. They're just the basics," he said.

"There are more rules?" I asked.

He nodded, "Yeah. We have a whole system here. You know what happens when you have twenty like werewolves in the same few miles?"

I kissed him roughly, "I think I have a pretty good idea."

He smiled, then picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I laughed as he carried me out of the hall.

We were met by a tall, greasy-haired guy that looked about my age. He slunk past us to the meeting hall.

"Hey, Jace," Lucas said. The guy mumbled a hello, but I could tell he barely noticed Lucas and I.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"Jace Gardener," Lucas answered grimly.

I gasped, "Charlie's brother?"

"Yeah, that's him," Lucas said.

"Is he upset about Charlie?" I asked.

Lucas shook his head, his mouth set into a hard line, "More than that. A week or so after Charlie died, his mate died."

"That's awful," I said, casting a pitying glance over my shoulder.

"Yeah, it really is. He's been depressed ever since," Lucas finished.

"I feel bad for him," I said.

"Don't," Lucas said, furiously shaking his head, "He hates pity."

I nodded silently and we walked back towards the cottage Riley and Farkle shared. Riley had insisted on watching the quintuplets for a day.

"Are you okay?" I asked, looking up at Lucas's face, which was devoid of all emotion.

"Yeah," he croaked, "But things are changing."

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