Happily Ever After.

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One Year Later


I held onto Lucas's arm as we walked out into the picnic area. My wedding ring sparkled on my finger, and we laughed at some joke he had told. He leaned down and fitted his mouth to mine. I exhaled and twisted my fingers into his hair before we pulled away, laughing again.

A girl sat cross-legged on the grass a few feet away. She had long black hair that trailed to the ground. She looked up at me and smiled, her familiar emerald green eyes shining. She was eighteen years old.

"Mom, Dad," she greeted us, jumping up and hugging me. 

"Scarlet," I said, smiling, "Where are your siblings?"

She pointed a way off, where a group of people laughed and ran and sang. She followed behind us as Lucas and I walked to the group of people, our fingers laced together. 

The first that ran to meet us was Riley, pulling Farkle behind her.

"Ready for the picnic?" Riley asked, smiling hugely and kissing me on the cheek.

"Totally," I said.

A somewhat scrawny boy with blond hair looked over the shoulder of a slight girl with light brown hair. They read a book together, and they both looked up when I arrived.

"Aunt Maya!" the girl cried, standing to hug me tightly. I smiled over her shoulder at my scrawny, blond-haired son, Connor. This was his mate, Sophie. Sophie Matthews.

A girl that looked exactly like Sophie ran up next to her and hugged me as Sophie had. Sophie's twin, Charlotte. They were nearly indistinguishable from each other except for the fact that Charlotte's hair was a few shades lighter. A massively muscular boy with dark brown hair ran up behind her and picked her up, laughing. 

"Mom!" he said in his deep voice. He wrapped his arms around me and picked me up in a bone-crushing hug.

"Come on, Mason," Charlotte said, tugging him away.

A few feet away, another couple sat under a tree. The girl had sharp, elfish features and curly brown hair. She looked lovingly up at a taller boy that sat behind her. My first child, my eldest, my beautiful daughter Isabella, and her mate, Theo. He was the son of another of the Pack.

I sat down at a picnic blanket as more people came to talk to us. This was our life now.

My family. 

My wolfhood. 

My Lucas.

And they all lived Happily Ever After.

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