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That afternoon, there was unspoken tension and excitement in the air. My due date was sometime in the next three days. My baby bump was already huge, which was strange to have to maneuver with. I didn't walk for fear I would run into something and hurt the babies. Lucas strongly agreed with me on this subject. So, the den was pushed into the corner and replaced by a sterile hospital bed, complete with and IV and one of those netty-thingies at the end of the bed. Babies are slippery, or so I hear, and Josh and Farkle would be delivering it. Josh, because he knew the most about werewolf babies, Farkle, because he had studied human anatomy and birthing, and knew it like the back of his hand.

After a (five food-group) lunch of carrots, an apple, cottage cheese, two hard boiled eggs, and some dry cereal, I was laying in the hospital bed. 

After I had gone pee for what seemed like the millionth time, I had laid back down and was almost asleep.

Then the first contraction came.

It felt like my body was tight. My back felt pressured, my legs ached. Suddenly, I felt so fatigued I couldn't even gather the energy to lift my head. Then it passed.

Ten minutes later, another contraction.

And another.

And another.

Then I felt it.

"Lucas!" I screamed.

Lucas came bolting into the room, and was at my side in a millisecond, his brow creased and his eyes concerned.

"What's wrong, Maya?" he asked, biting his lip nervously.

"My water just broke," I whispered.

His face went white.

"Josh! Farkle! Her water just broke!" he yelled down the hallway.

Josh and Farkle were there almost as fast as Lucas was.

"When was your last-" Farkle started.

"Contraction!" I gasped, clutching my stomach. Another one had hit. This one, my legs cramped, and my back was throbbing dully. A bout of lightheadedness followed, and I saw spots.

"She's going into labor," Farkle said.

Three minutes passed in the blink of an eye before I got my next contraction. I felt my body preparing itself to give birth.

Get ready for hell, I said to myself. We had barely gotten our hands on an IV, and there was no way we could get morphine. So, I was going to have to deal with natural birth. Four times.

Another contraction. One minute later, another one.

Josh and Farkle were bustling about, getting ready to deliver the baby. Riley and Lucas were on each side of my bed, both holding one of my hands.

"You should let go of her hand, Riley," Lucas said grimly.

"Why?" Riley looked offended, "She's mine, too, I'm her best friend-"

"No, Riley, she has her strength now. If she squeezes your hand while she's in labor, she'll hurt you," he explained.

"Oh," Riley said sheepishly, "But I can handle it! I-"

"Riley," I gasped through another contraction, just thirty seconds after the last one, "I'll break your hand!" 

Riley looked thoroughly upset, but she let go.

"You can squeeze my hand," Lucas offered.

"Thanks," I croaked.

Suddenly, my body began to push. It hurt worse than anything I've ever felt in my life. I screamed at the top of my lungs, so loud one of the light bulbs shattered, and frosted glass rained down on us. Zay ducked in at just the right time, yanking the broken light bulb out and replacing it. I squeezed Lucas's hand as hand as I could, and I heard him gasp in pain as my fingernails cut into his skin. I tried to loosen up, but I couldn't. 

"Maya," Josh said, rocking the wailing, bloody infant, "Say hello to daughter number one!"

I took my daughter and cradled her in my arms. Lucas rubbed her tiny stomach. 

"Isabella Riley Friar-Hart," I whispered.

"Guys!" Farkle said, "The next one will be here soon!"

I handed the baby off to Zay, who ran from the room to get her dressed.

I went through that hell three more times. We went through one of Lucas's hand muscles when I had Connor, and a total of six light bulbs.

When all was done, Riley helped me change out of my bloody robe into some sweat pants and a tank top. I threw up twice afterwards, but I was fine after that. I could already see the baby bump starting to disappear. Apparently, it went away as fast as it came.

Lucas and I, holding hands, walked into the nursery. Connor was already asleep. Scarlet was screeching bloody murder as Zay tried all sorts of stupid stuff to calm her. Riley held Isabella, who was cooing calmly, and Josh held Mason, who was pulling on his nose relentlessly.

Lucas pulled me closer, and I leaned against him, smiling.

I was a mother.

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