He was perfect

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(Andy's Pov)
While I was singing my favourite song "Lullaby" at the café this guy came in. He was perfect, he had big beautiful brown eyes that attracted me the most, his hair was dark, so curly and kinda messy, his lips looked soooo soft and his smile was the cutest smile I have ever seen. When I saw him and he made eye contact with me I got distracted and I suddenly forgot the lyrics of the song. I felt so embarrassed. I looked down as my cheek went red. Everybody were staring at me including him. I felt tears forming in my eyes. Oh no Andy you have to be stronger, but I can't. So I ran out of the café like a coward and that perfect guy was just looking at me like I was some freak.

I was so ashamed. How can I do this ughhhh? I went to the local park, sat on the nearest bench that I saw. How can I be that stupid to run out of it? Am I insane?
Few tears left my eyes but I was still tinking about that boy and his beautiful calming smile. It felt like I have known him all my life. Then I felt something warm touching my arm.

(Rye's Pov)
Me and Mikey, my best friend, decided to go to the café " Cookies and Jelly" because he was hungry and I just wanted to change the atmosphere, ya know.

When we arrived there I heard that beautifull voice that just hypnotized me. When I looked at the singer my heart literally stopped beating for a moment. He was so beautifull. His eyes were like the deep blue ocean. I couldn't not smile at this amazing view infront of me. But something happened when I smiled at him. He stopped singing
Maybe he forgot the lyrics.

He instanly blushed which made him Ben more cuter, he looked down to his feet, feeling ashamed. Then when he looked back up he had tears in his blue eyes.
Why he was about to cry?
Then he ran out of the café, without even a blink he was out of it.

I don't know what happened to me but I just turned around and I ran out of the café too. I didn't think then I just wanted to follow him and see why he was crying. I wanted to know if he was ok. Don't ask me why cause I have no idea.

I saw that he ran in the park and sat on a bench.
Wow he is really fast.
That thought put a smile on my face again. I don't know whyyy. I didn't even know him but let's be honest, he is pretty adorable.

When I went to the bench that he was sitting on I decided to speak to him. I slowly touched his arm trying to get his attention on me.
"Hi." I said.
"Wow you scared me you stupid-" he said but stopped when he saw me. He started blushing again and a small smile appeared on his cute face. His eyes lit up and he became even more beautiful.
I don't know how that was even possible.
"Oh..erm hi." He said taking me back to the reallity. "Why are you here?" he asked me looking confused more than before.
"Because I saw you crying and I wanted to know if you were okay." I admitted. "By the way my name is Rye."
"Oh...erm...my name is Andy. Nice to meet you Rye." He said still blushing.
"Andy...hmmm...what a beautifull name for such a beautifull person." I flirted after sitting on the bench right next to him. He got nervous, I could sense that because he started fidgeting with his fingers and running them throught his blonde hair.
"Thanks I guess. You're beautifull too...I mean your name is...I mean-"he said and looked down to the ground, probably ashamed but still cute af. I put my index finger under his chin and turned his head towards me so he could look at me.
"Don't be nervous and thanks. I like you too." I slightly whispered in his ear making him shiver under me.
Then I slowly kissed his cheek waiting for his reaction. He started trembling but relaxed almost immediately. Instantly I pulled away and looked at his crystal eyes. Andy looked shoked but kinda pleased. He was blushing and smiling like an idiot. Oh how cute.
I can't say that he wasn't adorable cause he was.
"I should go." he suddenly blurted out and instantly stood up from the bench. I was so confused. "Won't you ask me for my number big boy?" He said turning back to me and smiling like a cute little baby whose mother's just given him a lollipop.
"Haha very funny, cutie." I flirted back of course. He smiled looking down at my lips. I shook my head smiling as we exchanged our numbers.
"Bye. See you soon Rye." He said quietly looking at me, straight in the eyes.
"Yeah. Bye Andy." I chuckled.
He smiled a little but he covered his face from me by turning around and walking away, not even willing to turn back again. Oh wow an independent guy, I like it. I was looking at him all the time. First his beautifull eyes, then his cute ass.
He was perfect.
Andy...this name will be in my head for long time.

So this is the end of the first chapter. I don't know how it is but i tried xd.

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