"It's because i cheated on you, isn't it?"

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(Andy's Pov)
I woke up in Rye's arms. I am so happy but so sad at the same time. I am sad because i made him go through all of this. Omg i cheated on him and he was just like 'You are mine'. I don't deserve him. He is just the best. I love him so much.

Then i decided to make a surprise for him. I wanted to show him my love and how much he means to me. I stood up from the bed trying not to wake him up. He looks so cute when he is sleeping. I went to the bathroom to wash my face and my hand. Because it was hurting me so much. While i was washing it i gasped from pain. It was really hurting me. I felt tears forming in my eyes and then i stopped i just go another bandage and binded my hand. Then i went to the kitchen i decided to make pancakes for him because i knew he loves them. I am not so good at cooking but i am gonna try. I found my mother's recipe for pancakes. I got the things that i had to use and started making them. When i was ready, i ate one of them and well it wasn't as good as my mother's but it wasn't that bad. I put them in a plate and left them on the table. I know he loves them with chocolate but we didn't have chocolate in the house so i decided to went to the shop.

After a few minutes i was there. But when i entered it i saw Mikey. I froze. I tried to hide but he saw me. I waved at him and he waved at me. I went to him.
"Hey." I said confusedly.
"Hi." He said. "What's up?" He asked me.
"Well nothing i just came to buy chocolate and yeah. What about you?"
"I came to buy some stuff like for a party or something like that." He said not making an eye contact. He looked so guilty but he wasn't i wanted to tell him that i am so sorry.
"Look Mikey...i am sorry for everything, it wasn't right to use you and i am sorry really." I said as he looked at me. I saw tears in his eyes. I immideately hugged him. "I am sorry Mikey." I whispered in his ear.
"No it's okay. I am fine and i forgive you...but Rye will never forgive me." He said after he pulled away from the hug and wiped his tears. But what? Rye will not forgive him. For that i made Mikey do? Omg...i am the worst friend ever...
"What? About what? You haven't done anything wrong. I was the bad not you..." i said confused.
"It's okay...umm btw are you two together again?" He asked me. I couldn't lie to him but i didn't want him to feel worse.
"Well it's complicated." It's all i said.
"Oh okay." He said. "I think i should go." He said and turned to get something.
"Mikey wait...look me and Rye are fine and if you want i can ask him to forgive you and that it was all my fault." I said i didn't want him to feel bad for that he liked me.
"No i am fine." He said with sad fake smile.
"Mikey i know you are not." I said but he interrupted me.
"Stop Andy. Stop acting like you care. And even me and Rye become friends again i am gonna move in another town so yeah it doesn't matter. So yeah just leave me alone." He said. Wow that shocked me.
"Mikey what are you talking about of course i care for you and where are you going to go?"
"Far away from here." He said and then turned and started walking towards the cash desk. I didn't stop him i just was so confused. He payed the things he got and then went out from the shop. I just let him go. I was too shocked. Then i bought what i came for and then i went home.

Rye was still sleeping so i just ate two pancakes and then i sat on the couch and turned on the TV. While i was watching some random movie i heard the kitchen door openning.
"Good morning babe." I said when i turned and saw Rye.
"Hey. Why are you awake so early?" He asked me in sleeply voice. I stood up and went to him.
"I couldn't sleep." I said.
"Oh. Because of what happened yesterday?"
"Yeah. But anyway how did you sleep?" I asked him.
"Well good but then i had that nightmare and i woke up and couldn't fall asleep again." He said and looked down.
"What was the nightmare about?" I asked worried.
"It was about...you..." he said. What?
"What about me?" I asked more scared than before.
"Well...look i really don't want to talk about that ok. Can we just forget it it was just a nightmare?" He said annoyed still not looking at me.
"Yeah of course." I agreed. I just had no choice. He wanted to went to the table but i stopped him with a hug. He didn't hug back and just pulled away. He went to the table and saw the pancakes. I waited for his reaction. I was scared.
"Have your mother made pankaces again?" He said with a small smile. What? It was meeee Rye. Can't you see that they are just awful.
"No." I said as he looked at me.
"Then?" He asked.
"I...i have made them for you. I wanted to surprise you because i wanted to show you how much you mean to me and how nuch i appreciate you...and how much i love you." I said the last part of my sentence more quietly. He just was standing there looking at me. What? He didn't like the surprise...i knew it...
"Rye...i am sorry. I thought you'd like it and..." before finishing my sentence he ran into me and hugged me tight. I hugged him back. He was holding me so strong. I didn't want him to let me i wanted to stay like that with him forever. I feel so safe in his arms.
"Don't let go just yet." I whispered to him.
"I wasn't going to." He said as i smiled. We stood like that for very long time.
"Baby..." he whispered i just hummed. "I am hungry." He said as i chuckled. "Ok." I whispered as he pulled away from the hug. We sat at the table and he started eating. I watched him. He was just so cute.
"Actually your pancakes are so delicious!" He said with a smile while looking into my eyes.
"Oh really!?" I said. I was surprised.
"Yeah. I love them and i love you. Thank you for that." He said and continued eating.
"Are you happy?" I asked him. He looked at me with strange look like i am an idiot.
"Babe of course i am. I will be the happiest person in the world as long as i have you." He said and came and kissed me. His lips tasted like chocolate. Oh that brought memories. I love when he tastes like chocolate. We were kissing slowly. He then put his hand on my cheek and made me stand up. My arms were around his waist and his hands on my cheeks. When we stopped making out he kissed me three more times but fast and cute.
"I love when you are tasting like a choclate." I whispered to him both of us not letting go of each other.
"And i love you." He whispered and hugged me tight. I burried my head into his chest. He kissed me on the head.
"Do you want to cuddle on the couch and watch a movie?" He spoke up.
"Yeah i'd love to." I said. But one thought was making me distract. The cheating...yeah i know he said that it doesn't matter but...i don't think he is saying the true i should talk with him but not now i don't want to ruin that moment.

So we went to the couch and sat on it. He chose the movie. It was Titanic. Actually i loved this movie so much and i was so happy that he chose it. While we were cuddling and watching the movie he spoke up. "You look like Leo di Caprio."
"What?" I giggled. "Why?" I asked him.
"Well because you two have a blond hair and blue eyes and you two are really beautiful." He said and kissed me on the forehead.
"No i am not but i am jelaous." I said jokingly.
"You are. Trust me. And yeah you are a jelaous Leo di Caprio." He said as i smiled at him. Then we started watching the film again.
I was cuddling at him when i heard him sobbing.
"Rye?"i asked him scared.
"Yeah..." he whispered while he was crying.
"Why are you crying?"
"Because this movie is so emotional like he died...and she...omg poor her...she lost him." He said through tears.
"Oh Rye...you are so cute." I hugged him more tighly and he hugged me too.
"I am sorry just idk what happened to me it made me cry when she promised him and i remembered about everything yesterday and how he died in the movie and how if i wasn't there you w-would..." he tried to say but i interrupted him with a kiss. I was kissing him softly and slowly. I didn't want him to be sad. Oh Rye...why i did this to you...?
When we pulled away i looked at his beautiful big brown eyes. I melt every time when i look at them. They just give me warmth and hope.
"You were there and you are here that's what matters. So please don't cry Rye. I love you." I said and kissed him again.
"I love you too." He said between our lips while we were kissing and we both smiled into the kiss. It turned me on. I wanted more. I wanted all of him. I tried to get off his shirt but he stopped me.
"Andy don't. I can't right now." He whispered.
"What? Why?" I felt tears coming in my eyes. "What now you don't want me or what?" I said already tears falling from my eyes.
"Andy don't do this. Don't make the things more complicated and harder than they are...It's just that...i don't want...right now i just..."he tried to say.
"It's because i cheated on you, isn't it?"i interrupted him. He just looked at me and just nodded. I gasped and started crying harder. Then he stood up from the couch. He was angry. I heard him shut the bedroom door. He left me there crying all alone. I am the worst...i knew he can't just go over it like it's nothing...omg i will loose him...

I wanted to cut but i didn't have with what so i just stayed there on the couch crying. My knees pressed to my chest and my face burried in my hands. I am sorry Rye...

Ok this is the end of this chapter. I am sorry for the strange ending but i just love so much the drama and yeah i am so bad sorry again xd But very soon they will be together and happy, really happy. xx Btw thanks for the support xx
Go and check Aylin's story "Only you". It's just amazing xx.
Bye for now aliens xx❤❤❤

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