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(Mikey's Pov)
I was going to Aylin's home when suddenly my phone rang. It was her. I picked up the phone.
"Hey. What's..."
"We should talk..." she interrupted me.
"Ok. Well i am coming so..." i tried to say something but she interrupted me again. "No let's meet at the park near the café."
"Ok." I said and closed the phone. Why did she want to go to the park? I already told her about Andy...What else does she want to know?
After an hour
"Hi." I said with a big smile on my face but when i saw her crying my smile disapearred from my face.
"Hey baby what..."
"Don't call me baby...Mikey i..."i think i know what becomes after that...
"I want to break up with you Mikey...i can't handle it anymore...those things with Andy...you said you will stop but you didn't i know that i am not enough for you i know that i can't give you what you want and what you need but let me ask you one thing...why don't you tell me that you like him maybe if you had we would make things work and maybe we wouldn't be in a situation like that..."she said through tears...she was so hurt so did i...i was breaking inside her words were slowly killing me, i hadn't got the power to argue so i just spoke and explain to her...
"Look...i know that i am the worst i should have told you that i like him...i know i should but i didn't and..."i stopped and took a deep breath "i am so sorry babe...i love you it's just that i don't deserve your love...i don't deserve you and maybe we could make it work but..." "No stop talking please i can't believe even though were breaking up after two years relationship you are still behaving like a jerk...i thought that you will be more heartbroken but i was wrong...i can't belive that i love you...i want to hate you why i can't..." she was shouting and crying she was breaking...she was weak i haven't seen her like that before...what have i done to her? "Hey babe..." "Leave her alone you jerk." Someone shouted at me from the behind. I turned and there was Annie, she came to Aylin and hugged her. Aylin was crying so hard. Then i felt tears falling from my eyes...i know i shouldn't be crying because i have done so bad things that put her in that condition...I hate myself for making her like this, for making these things to Andy, for being such an asshole...
"Hey Aylin, i am sorry i know you two hste me and you should after all those things i have done so i just want you to know that i love you and i always will so i am really sorry..."i whispered through tears.
"It's okay...i will be better...so we are not together anymore, right?"she said while wiping her tears but i saw new ones forming in her eyes.
"Oh babe..."i sighted and hugged her thightly. She hugged me back. She was holding me so strong. She didn't want to let me go...that made me cry even more than before...i love her but i know i can't give her the love that she needs...and she can't give it to me as well. So this was the best way for us to be happy. "I will miss you dude." She whispered."I love you Mikey."
"I love you too and i will miss you too. I won't forget about our "dude""she giggled."I know...and i will never forget how sweet you were when you was worried that you have called me baby instead of dude..." "Yeah and then you kissed me. I remember it." I smiled as she hugged me even stronger than before. "Don't let me go yet." "I won't...i promise." We stayed like that for 5 or 10 minutes and Annie was just looking at us and i was thinking she was crying but she denied so i believed her. Then Aylin had to go so she and Annie went to her car but before that Aylin kissed me on my cheek and wispered "Think about Andy please don't do this to him he is not like me he can't handle it and you know that so please stop hurting him...oh and i love you...bye Mikey see you soon."she said and she turned around and started walking towards her car. "Bye and i love you too." I shouted after her. She heard me, turned to see me, waved at me and smiled even though she was about to cry again.
Everything that she said tonight made me think about what i was doing with Andy and i understamd that it is wrong so i decided to apologize to him and stop doing things like that if he doesn't want me i will let him go because i want him to be happy so yeah. I decided just to walk to think a little bit about all the things that happened tonight. When i looked my watch to see what time it was i saw that it become too late so i decided to go home but then i saw Andy on the bench that me and Aylin spoke earlier. I went to him and...

(Andy's Pov)
It is 8:15. Where are you Rye? I was sitting on the bench where we have decided to meet. It became 8:30. What is happening? I have called him 7 times already and he hasn't answered...i was worried then someone hugged me from the back. But it wasn't Rye...i felt it. It wasn't him. It was...Mikey. I tried to stand but he stopped me. I got scared.
"Hey stop please...i want to apologize..." i have never thought that i will hear those words from Mikey's mouth.
"You what?"
(Mikey's Pov again sorry for changing the Povs all the time)
"I am sorry Andy ok? I was wrong to do these things to you i will never do them again i promise and i know you probably hate me right now and i won't blame you but i just wanted you to forgive me and i am really sorry Andy...i shouldn't do that i was so stupid and childish...i wanted just to have the thing that you and Rye have...and i lost myself in trying to win it...i am sorry again." When i said that he was looking at me shocked he was trying to assume all the information i gave him and then he spoke up.
"Of course i forgive you Mikey." he said and hugged me. I was shocked.
"Really?" I said.
"Yeah, you are my friend and i understand you..." he said and we stopped hugging.
"I should go." I said. While i was going to stand up from the bench Andy hugged me again. "I am sorry for her too." He whispered in my ear and my tears started to falling. "Thanks." I said and i just standed up and went to my car. I was crying, he came after me and hugged me again." Don't cry i know you will find the love of your life someday maybe it's not here but you will find it i promise you." He said while i was crying on his shoulder. "So now i should go and i think you should too so don't worry everything will be ok Mikey." He said and kissed me on the forehead." Thank you Andy, you are the best." I said and got up into my car. I was watching him while he was walking to the bench after a few minutes i saw Rye coming and then i lost them of my vision.

(Andy's Pov)
Ok this was strange but i understand him so why shouldn't i forgive him. I went back to the bench after a few minutes i saw Rye. He was so gorgeous on the ligt of the lamposts. His eyes were shining and his smile made me smile even more. I love Rye. So much.
"Hey baby." He said and kissed me on the cheek.
"Hey." I said while i was looking at him without paying much attention on what he was talking.
"Andy hey the Earth is calling for Andy. " i heard him saying while he was laughing.
"Oh sorry...i was just admiring your perfect smile." I said as he kissed me on my lips. We were making out like for 5 minutes. "Shall we go?" He whispered when we stopped kissing. "Yeah why not?" I said and we started walking towards his car. We were driving about 15 minutes and then we arrived. When he stopped the car, he didn't went out at first, he looked so nervous and scared. "Are you nervous? If you don't want to do it we can..." "No i have to tell them." He interrupted me. "Oh ok. Then shall we go?" I asked as he nodded and he went out of his car. He knocked on the door. After a minute two little twins opened the door. They were so cute just like their brother. "Hey guys! This is Andy...um my friend." He said nervously. I took his hand the little boys didn't see it. "Everything will be ok Rye." I whispered in his ear. He nodded. Then he let my hand and we entered the house. "Btw Andy these two little monkeys are Shaun and Sammie."he said pointing at his brothers."And that guy over there is my older brother Rob." He said. "Rye hi honey." I heard a nice voice from the kitchen. I thought that it was his mother and i was right. "Hey mom this is Andy, the boy i wanted to introduce to you." He said. "Nice to meet you Andy." We shaked hands. Then i met his father. "Hi let's see what is so special about you." He said while smiling at me. "He's joking." Rye's mom said as i nodded and smiled at them. "I am so glad to meet you. " i said with nice smile. "Yeah...well if you want to let's have a dinner." "Ok."Rye said still looking nervous.

(Rye's Pov)
We were having dinner. I was so scared of their reaction...of my dad's reaction. Something that thouched my leg interrupted my thoughts. It was Andy's hand and the smile on his face was saying me "Don't worry everything will be fine." I nodded.
"Should i really tell them?" I whispered in his ear.
"If you are ready..."
"Yeah...i think i am." I said.
I standed up from my chair.
To be continued..

Ok i hope you like it xx. Go and check "Only you". ❤❤❤

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