I am such an idiot

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(Annie's Pov)
While Rye and Mikey were in the kitchen i decided to tell Aylin the good news and the thruth about my feelings...
"Hey can we talk?" I asked her.
"Yeah. What's up?" She asked me.
"The sky. I am joking. But i wanted to tell you that...um well you know me and my dance team were on a competition and we...we won and we are going on a tour." I shouted the last part and she screamed from happiness and hugged me and then our faces met. We were staring into each others eyes for so long. "I am so proud of you." She whispered with a big smile on her face."Thanks." I said. But then something happened she leant to kiss me and she was going to but then i heard Andy shouting. I knew he was crying. Then we saw him shutting the front door and he just went out i wanted to go after him but i knew that he didn't want anyone to see him when he was crying and i knew that Rye caused this. I was so angry then i felt tears forming in my eyes i went to the kitchen. We were arguing with Rye and he was crying too then Mikey decided to go to see Andy.
End of the flashback
We were staying in my room with Aylin and we were watching a movie while Rye was in the kitchen blaming himself and crying. I knew we had to help Andy and to talk with Rye but i was so angry at Rye. He promised that he won't hurt MY Andy and he just did. I tried not to think about that right now so i just decided to tell her.
"Hey. Can i tell you something?" I asked her as she looked up at me."Yeah, what is it?" She asked me. "Well...you know i had feelings for you before...i think i have th..." i couldn't finished my sentence because she crashed her lips on mine. We started making out. It was so good to feel her soft lips against mine. I felt so happy...but then i pulled away because i remembered about Andy and all of this shit.
"What's wrong babe?" She asked me and i smiled at this "babe" thing but then i focused on the thing that was on my mind."We have to help them." I said as she nodded. Before going out of the room she came behind me and kissed my neck."I love you." She whispered in my ear.
"Be mine..."i whispered too. "I am yours." She said and i turned around to face her i connected our lips in a long and passionate kiss. "I love you too." I said after pulling away. Then we went to the kitchen to see Rye. When we entered the room i was terrified. Rye was on the couch, screaming and crying. He was like a mess he was holding a knife next to his hand. I saw older cuts but there were fresh ones too. I ran to him and tried to get the knife off his hand. When i got it i throw it away and hugged him. He was crying and shaking, his hand was bleeding, he didn't want to hug me. "It's okay Rye. Everything will be ok." I whispered as he started crying louder then Aylin came to us and hugged him thighly too. "He loves you Rye." She said as he stopped screaming, he was just sobbing and the tears didn't stop falling from his eyes. We hugged him even more and then he hugged us too, weak and exhausted hug but it was something. Then we let him breath and we sat next to him. I was on his left side and Aylin on his right. "Rye everything will be ok." she said but he shoke his head. "No it won't. I lied to him about that dare and then i lied to him that i don't love him...he hates me." He was about to cry again. But wait what dare? I asked him that and he explained everything to us. He said that at first it was a fucking dare but then it had became more than that...it has been a true love. I hugged him. He was surprised.
"You don't hate me?" He asked."No we don't." Aylin said and looked at me as i nodded."Yeah we don't, i understand you. We will help you to get him back. Because you are just perfect for each other and i know you wouldn't hurt him even though you had already but yeah i still trust you." I said and smiled at him. "Thank you so much." He said and hugged us. "Btw Annie what did you want to tell us?" He asked me." Oh it's not important i will tell you later." He nodded. "Um and can i stay here for tonight?" He asked me."Yeah of course you can and Aylin will stay too so yeah." "Thanks."

After a few minutes
(Rye's Pov)
I washed my hand and binded it. I was still crying tho but when they told me that they don't hate me i felt a little calm but Andy...why i said that, i didn't mean it...tomorrow i have to go to his house and to explain him everything and to apologize to him...he doesn't desevre all of this shit...i just don't desevre him...  
"Hey. Are you better?" Aylin came and interrupted my thoughts."Yeah i am fine." I mumbled. She sat next to me and hugged me."Everything will be okay Rye. Trust me." She whispered as i sighted and nodded. "Okay...thanks." i said as she pulled away from the hug."Well if you are better...we will go with Annie to sleep if you want something just tell us." She said."But knock on the door first." Annie shouted from her room. Aylin's cheeks went pink."Okay, chill, i get it." I said and smiled at Aylin."Okay thanks...so good night Rye." "Good night and good night to you Annie." "Good night." She shouted again.

After a few minutes i heard a moaning from her room. They are cute. Then i remembered about our first time with Andy. My eyes started filling with tears. I decided to go to the room where i was going to sleep. It was the room where Andy slept the last time we came here and everytime he comes here. When i lied on the bed it smelled like...Andy...i couldn't help myself but think about him...about our first date, about every kiss, how when we kiss i am gone in another universe where it's just him and i, i couldn't stop imagining his soft pink lips kissing mine and leaving small kisses on my neck to my chest, i couldn't stop thinking about his bright smile and his cute dimples, about his funny laugh and about his big blue eyes that i fall in love with every time that i see them...i want to stare at them right now and not stopping, i wish he was here right now next to me, cuddling with me and i want him to kiss me and to tell me that everything is fine and that he still loves me i just needed that...i was so tired of what happened today and of my thoughts so i just cried myself to sleep...I am such an idiot...

Ok guys this is the end of this chapter i hope you like it and i know that i am bad and that they are so stupid for not being together and lying to each other but trust me it will get better and remember that :"You know what's great about hitting rock bottom? There's only one way left to go, and that's up!"  (I love this movie "Sing" if you haven't watched it please watch it, it's so good, trust me xx) Oh and if you haven't done it already please go and check my best friend's book "Only you" it's dope you will love it  xx Bye aliens xdd❤❤❤🖖

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