Don't do this Andy please(The date-part 2)

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(Rye's Pov)
"We are going to go to a resturant and we gonna meet two of my friends. They live far away and yesterday they came to our town so i decided to introduce you in front of them." I said while we were walking to he resturant.
"Ok."he said. "What are you thinking about?" I asked him curiosly. "Um nothing i am fine don't worry."he said as he turned his head on the other side. "What is it Andy?"i asked him. "It's nothing believe me."

(Andy's Pov)
"It's nothing believe me." I said. How he can believe me when i am lying myself too?
"I do believe you but i see there is som..." I interrupted him with a kiss. "Please Rye. This is supposed to be a date not an argument." I said. "Okay." He nodded. We continued walking then we arrived there. We walked in and two boys were waving at us. One of them had a blond hair, green eyes and a big smile. He was good. The other boy had a green eyes too and brown hair he was taller than me. "Are they together?" I asked quietly Rye. "No but they will be someday. I am sure because they love each other unconditionally even they don't know it yet." he said and smirked.
"Hey. I am Brooklyn, you have to be Andy, right? Nice to meet you." said the blond haired boy.
"Yeah I am and nice to meet you too." I said while we were shaking hands.
"Hi I am Jack. Nice to meet you Andy." said the taller boy.
"Nice to meet you Jack." I said then suddenly I felt Rye's arm around my waist. "Hi boys. It was a long time not seeing you." Rye said. "Hey how are you doing how is live?" Brooklyn said while looking at me. "Life is good you know: dares, actions, lies," he said the last word of his sentence while looking at me. "Oh I see." Jack said while he was smiling at me. "And how is life with you boys?" I said while moving away from Rye's hand and sitting on the table. Rye looked me confused but I ignored him. I was embarased. I didn't know what was happening to me. "Well we are good. There were sone things that happened in the past but ya know everything is fine now." Brook said while looking at Jack. "Yeah now we are fine." He said and i saw him putting his hand on Brook's leg. Brook blushed and i smiled and looked at Rye who was reading the menu. "Can we order now?" Rye asked the waiter annoyed i don't know why he acted so weird. "Yeah. What would you like to eat?" The waiter asked politely.
"I will have a pizza with pepperoni and a cola."i said before Rye to make him more angry than before. I don't know i just wanted to see if he can handle me. He sighted then he started speaking."I will have a salad and a pizza with pepperoni too."he said calmly. "I will have just a salad." Said Jack. "Same for me."said Brook. Rye looked at him with a strange look and Brook smiled at him. Rye sighted after a he smirked at him. He avoided looking at me he was angry i knew it, i could see it in his eyes, the way he smiked was different it was forced and fake. Maybe he was angry on me or jelaous that they have a connection and we were loosing in because of me and my stupid thoughts. I decided to go to the toilet because i just needed to think. "I will be here in a minute." I said and i got up from my spot. I went to the toilet. I looked in the mirror and i saw a boy, a boy who was so confused of everything that was happening with him and his life. Then Rye entered the toilet and stayed right next to the door. He was looking at my reflection in the mirror so was i. I was just scared to see his face now. I felt guilty for that i was so bad to him but i was confused. He steped closer to me."Don't do this Andy please."he whispered in my ear that made me shiver. I could feel his warm breath. After his words he went out of the toilet. I went out after a minute. The food was ready. I sat and all the night was really funny but me and Rye were not talking at all. Jack and Brook were very funny actually. I was smiling and laughing all the time. After the dinner we went out of the resturant we decided to go to the park. It was a little cold and dark, i was scared of the dark but i didn't tell them i thought it was embrasing. I was shivering while they were talking about everything and Rye saw this but didn't do anything at first but then after a few minutes i heard him sighted and he gave me his jacket."Are you ok now?"he asked me quietly. " Rye."i said as he nodded. It got late so Jack and Brook decided to go. They were staying in a hotel near the park we were. "Bye guys. See you soon."said Jack while he and Brook were waving at us."Bye."i said and Rye waved. I needed to talk to Rye but i couldn't. The words didn't get out of my mouth.

(Rye's Pov)
"So Andy...ummm...what's up?"i asked breaking the silence between us. Why did i even asked this?
"Um nothing...what about you?"he said quietly looking at the ground.
"Well, i was tired and umm i wanted to sit on a bench. Do you want there?" I said while pointing the one where i kissed him on his cheek.
"Oh yeah i wanted...omg is that...?"he tried to ask. "Yeah it is. This is the last part of my surprise Andy..." i said then he interrupted me. "Aren't you mad at me...?" He said confusedly. "Well kind of...but now i will try to focus on this so yeah." I said as he blushed and smiled. Then my phone rang. It was Brook."Rye guess what!" He said excited. "What?" I asked. "Me and Jack are together!!!"

Ok that is the end of this chapter. I hope you'll like it. Btw me and my best friend Aylin are going to make this book in a series and yeah so this book is the first one there will be at least four more xx. So she will started to post chapters from her book wich is for the story of Jacklyn before they met with Rye and Andy. We will post one chapter from each story in different day. We can't wait to show you them. We hope you'll like them xx.

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