"Well i slept here with my boyfriend." (part 1)

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(Rye's Pov)
I woke up from the sound of someone singing. It was Aylin. Her voice was beautiful. I remembered about Andy's voice but i tried not to think about him right now. Then i went to the kitchen i saw her singing and Annie dancing to the melody of Aylin's voice. They were so cute. "Good morning." I said as they stopped and looked at me shocked."Oh hey good morning did you sleep well?" Annie asked me. She is always so kind to me even if i've hurt Andy so much. "Yeah thanks." I lied."Btw you two are really cute and congrats." I winked at Annie as she smiled and Aylin blushed. "Thanks...um did you hear us?" Aylin said ashamed."Well a little bit yeah." I said while smiling."Omg i am so sorry we didn't me..." Aylin started explaining but i interrupted her. "No it's okay you don't have to apologize, it's normal to show your love in that way..." as i said that, i looked down to the floor and imagined Andy's cute smile and his perfect blue eyes...Oh god i miss him...
Then Annie came to me and hugged me."Everything will be okay Rye...we are here for you and today we will go to Andy's house and see if he is okay and you know you will talk about some...um...stuff i think." "Yeah...i hope he understands and forgives me..." i said holding back my tears."Yeah and we will be right there by your side." Aylin said and put her arm on my shoulder. "Thanks guys you are just the BEST." I said and hugged them both thight. "It's okay Rye you don't have to thank us." Annie said but i shoke my head."Oh i have believe me." I smiled and kissed her on the cheeck."Hey i am a jelaousy girlfriend, don't you dare kiss her again or i will punch you in your face and..." i interrupted her."Ok ok i won't." Then she smiled and hugged me. We went to have breakfast. I didn't want to eat because i was so stressed, i didn't know what was going to happened...what if he shuts the door in my face or tell me that he hate me again...

After a few minutes
"Let's go." Annie said as we get into her car. We were driving about 20 minutes and then we were in front of Andy's house. I was shivering and so scared. "Come on Rye. Everything will be ok." Annie said and put her hand on my shoulder. "Yeah we are here for you." Aylin said right after Annie and i just nodded and smiled. "Okay let's do this." I knocked on the door. We waited about like 5 minutes and then the door opened. I was shocked when i saw...Mikey...just in his boxers. I shivered of the thought that Andy could has cheated on me...omg...
"Um Mikey?" Annie asked. "Yeah?" Mikey said."Why are you here?"Annie asked just as shocked as i was."Well i slept here with my boyfriend." He said and i froze. His boyfriend...my Andy...is...his boyfriend...omg...what have i done...
"Is it Andy you are talking about?" Aylin asked.
"Yeah...who else?" He said like it was obvious...omg i've lost him...forever...
"Who is there babe?" I heard Andy shouted. 'Babe'...omg i really have lost him...forever...
"Our friends." Mikey shouted back. Then after a second Andy showed up. He was only in boxers too. When i saw his perfect body i jsut wanted to touch and to kiss it countlessly times. "Hi." He said with his bright and warm smile. He was avoiding eye contact with me. "Hey. Congrats btw." Annie said upset but faking a smile. "Thanks." Andy said.
"And how did you two get together?" Aylin asked. And i was just standing there and watching Andy and regreting about all of this dare.
"Well you know what he have done before and that he liked me...so yesterday he came to me and helped me and we went home and some things happened so today i decided to asked him if he want to be my boyfriend and he said yes." Andy said and looked at me with confused look. I saw the sadness in his eyes. They weren't shaning like before, they didn't have the stars in them, they have lost their power to show Andy's happiness and it was maybe because i have taken the light from him...i am the worst person ever but i was so angry with him and with myself so i couldn't help it anymore and i just let everything to go out.
"Are you fucking kidding me? What have he done to you before and you haven't told me..we were together like a few hours ago and now you are with him i can't believe it...i cut myself again because i was so hurt that i hurt you yeah i know i shouldn't lied to you about the dare and i am so so sorry but it seems like you don't care for me as much as i do and it seems like you don't love me and you haven't loved me ever...I love you so much i just...i can't believe it..." i took a deep breath and tried to stop my tears from falling but i failed"...and you Mikey...i though that we were best friends so why you didn't tell me that you liked andy..." i started crying and i ran out of there, i didn't stop running...i couldn't, i was so hurt and annoyed, i wanted to cut myself again and again till i just feel numb...when i stopped i was already in the park that him and i met i sat on the bench that i kissed him and i just cried a lot. I took the knife off my pocket and used it so many times so i didn't feel the pain already i was just seeing the fresh blood running over my skin...when i stopped cutting i just stood there and cried.

(Andy's Pov)
When Rye ran i couldn't stop my tears anymore and i just cried...i fell on my knees on the ground and everybody hugged me but i just standed up and turned to Mikey."It's all your fault...it was your idea to tell him that...why did i even listen to you...if you haven't told him to do the dare maybe we were going to be together and you and Aylin too but NO you ruined everything just please get off my way." I pushed him while crying and closed the front door behind me. I just sat on the floor and cried so hard...What have i done...i need Rye back...i am such an idiot, how can i be so blind and stupid, why did i cheated on him...i don't even care about that fucking there rn i just want Rye to be here and to hug me and to say thatbhe still loves me...if he didn't hate me yesterday probably now he does...i am the worst...i hate myself...

(Mikey's Pov)
Ok so now i am the bad. Ok. "Hey you want a ride?" Annie offered me and interrupted my thoughts. "Yeah...Thanks." i said and wiped away my tears. When we got into the car Aylin sat next to me." You wanna talk about what happened?"she asked me with a big understandable smile on her face. "Maybe later." I said as she nodded and then i felt tears forming in my eyes. She saw them and hugged me. "It's okay you can cry as much as you want, i am here for you." When she said that i just can't hold my tears back and cried into her arms. She hugged me stronger than before. Annie was driving and i was crying all the way to my house. When we arrived, i invited them to come in with me and they did it. I went to my room to get dressed because i was still only in my boxers and yeah. Then i went to the living room. I was going to tell them the whole true but then my phone rang...i was shocked...it was Rye.
"We need to talk Mikey."

To be continued...

Ok so don't hate me, Randy will be back and Mikey will be happy very soon (we have a new book for him so yeah, my best friend is writing it, she will post it very soon ;):D) so yeah. I hope you like this chapter. I know it's not good but yeah i am trying xx. Btw tell me in the comments if you want me to do Q&A with these people from the book xddd aaaand go and check my best friend's book "Only you", it's so good trust me and yeah bye for now aliens xx❤❤❤

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