Protective stranger, tears and real love...(part 2)

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(Mikey's Pov)
"We need to talk." Rye said emotionessly on the phone.
"Ok." I sait queitly.
"Meet me at the park after 15 minutes." He said staying in the same tone as before.
"Okay." I said again and he canceled the call. I was scared. I was going to loose my best friend and i knew it.
"What did he tell you?" Annie asked me curiously. "He wants to meet up in the park after 15 minutes." I said as she looked at me and came and hugged me."Do you want me to come with you?" She asked me. She is so kind. I don't deserve friend like her. "It's okay. I can go alone. It's between me, him and Andy so yeah but thanks." I said as i pulled away from the hug."You sure?" She asked me. "Yeah." I said unsecure but i had to go alone. I knew that he will be so angry and he will shout at me and he might punch me so yeah. I know my best friend. "You sure you didn't want us to come with you?" Aylin then came and asked me."Yeah. I will go alone." I said and smiled at her. She hugged me too. "Good luck dude." She whispered in my ear because she knew what was Rye too when he was angry at someone or at something. After a few minutes it was time to go and i went out from the house. When i arrived at the park and i saw him. He was sitting on a bench. His face burried in his hands. I thought he was crying so i went to him and sat next to him. I put my arm on his shoulder. He didn't react at first but then he looked at me. His eyes were red and puffy he looked so tired of crying and so weak. I felt so sorry for what i did with Andy i hugged him immideately and he hugged me back and cried on my shoulder."I am so sorry Mikey." He said, i was so surprised. Why he was apologizing to me? "For what?" I asked him."For everything. We are best friends...i-i should ask you or idk why didn't you tell me that you like...him?" He said between sobs. "Hey it's not your fault." I said as he looked at me."And i am sorry for one thing more..." he said this time more serious and emoitonessly than before."What?" I asked him scared. "We can't be best friends anymore..." when he said that my heart broke..."What? No you can't do this to me are my best friend please don't do this...i am so sorry i didn't mean to do it with Andy he just started, he kissed me, he begged me to fuck him, it wasn't me who started it, i am just a boy who fell in love with his best friend's boyfriend...i fell in love with Andy from the first day i saw him...i am sorry Rye please don't do this, don't hate me..." i was crying already and he was just standing there and watching the ground. The silence and my crying were the only sounds for like 10 minutes.
"I am sorry Mikey." He said and just standed from the bench and went away. I didn't even try to stop him because i knew he wouldn't listen to me...omg i lost my best friend...i lost the boy who i am in love with...what if i loose more people like Aylin and Annie...they should hate me too i am just a mess...

I was staying on this bench for like 1 hour and i was crying so much i just couldn't stop then i felt someone's arms around me. Idk who it was so i turned to face him. He has a blond hair and beautiful blue eyes. His lips were pink and soft and his was the cutest smile i have ever seen. "Are you ok?" He asked me quietly."Yeah...i just...nevermind..." i stopped when i realised i was talking to a stranger."Hey don't be afraid, you can tell me what's wrong. I am Harvey btw." He said still hugging me tho."Oh...well i am Mikey. Um why are you hugging me?" I asked him confused. "Because i saw you crying and i didn't like to see boys as handsome as you crying." He said and smiled at me again. Omg his smile...
"Oh ok...well umm thanks i think..." i blushed and smiled a little but then i remembered about all the shit with Rye and Andy and tears started running down my face again. "No hey don't cry...please." he said and wiped my tears away with his thumb."Okay." I whispered. We were staring at each others eyes for a while. Idk but there was something in him that calmed me down idk what but i felt safe whike he was hugging me even though i met him before a few minutes i felt like i have known him forever. Then happened something that freaked me out...he leant to kiss me but i turned my head. What the actual fuck he was thinking he can do? "What the fuck?" I said. "Look sorry i didn't mean to..." he started but i interrupted him. "Don't say anything." I said and i was going to stand up but he stopped me by grabbing my hand."I am sorry." He whispered. His eyes were shaning but i saw tears forming in his eyes and his smile has dissapeared from his face. "Can you sit again please?" He made the puppy dog eyes face and i just smiled and agreed. "I like your eyes btw and your hair. It's so curly tho." He said and pet me like i was a dog. "Um thanks." I said and i felt my cheeks go red. "Harvey we have to go!" One old women shouted and Harevy sighted."Ok i am coming! Well cutie i have to go but we can go out someday." He said and then we exchange our numbers. "Yeah we can." I smiled and he kissed me on each cheek and then on the forehead. "I won't kiss you on the mouth even though i really want to bite that lip...but this is just for now don't worry you can't escape the faith..." He whispered in my ear and smirked at me. What does he mean? "Bye Mikey." He said and waved at me then turned around and started walking towards the women."Bye." I shouted at him. I was so confused but and a little happy...idk i liked this boy but the situation with Rye and Andy...idk i am so confused. After that with Harvey i decided to go back to the girls. I called them they were still in my house waiting for i really don't deserve them.
(Harvey's Pov)
When i left him on the bench a speechless i wanted to kiss him, i felt like i have known he was so close to me like i know everything about him and i wanted to help him with what he was going through...i know it was serious idk how...i just looked at him on this bench and i needed to go and hekped him i just couldn't stop myself...i hope i see him again...but maybe for him it will better if he don't like me because everyone has their secrets...
(Mikey's Pov)
When i got home Annie was sleeping on the couch and cuddling into Aylin. I smiled at the cute view. "You are cute." I whispered to Aylin."Yeah...btw what happened?" She whispered too and blushed a little. Are they together? "I will tell you when she wakes up and i am going to get a shower now." I said. "Oh ok." She said and i went to the bathroom.
I was thinking about that boy...Harvey. Maybe i am never gonna see him again but it was cool...i wanted to feel his arms around me one more time idk why it's just helped it's like he saved me from the darkness that was coming for me...but i still feeling that i was going to tear apart soon...
When i went out of the bathroom i put clothes on me and went to the living room. Annie has already woken up and well...what i saw idk i felt bad about it i was sad because i used to kiss those lips...she was kissing with Aylin..."Omg." I said. "Oh sorry." Aylin said after pulled away from their kiss and looked at me confused while blushing."No it's okay. Congrats." I said with a sad smile. "Thanks. Now you have to tell us what happened." Annie said and i told them the whole true and the whole story at the end of it i was crying and they were hugging me and yeah but after a while i was fine i think and we decided to watch a movie...while we were watching i was thinking about the future and that boy...i didn't want to live here i wanted to move on and forget about everyone and everything just to clear my mind up so i decided to move in another town. I dudn't know wich but i was going to decide soon.

(Rye's Pov)
When i left Mikey on that bench alone in tears i ran, i ran so long and so fast. When i stopped tears were running down my face, my knees were so weak and i couldn't breath properly...i can't believe what happened...i lost the love of my life and my best friend...i can't believe that Mikey has fucked Andy when he knows how much i love him...and Andy...i hurt him so much...i hate myself...but i had to talk with him...because i love him with all my heart and even he hates me he needs to know that i will be always there for him...i decided to go to his house...even if i knew that he won't let me in...i hope his mother was there to open the door for me and let me talk with her son...

But before going there i got my knife and cut a few times i was just so weak and i couldn't make them deep like the other ones but i just wanted to see and feel the blood running down my hand because it calms me down, i know i am weird but it's just my way for staying alive...yeah it's ironic but that's the true...sometimes i just need to cut to feel better...i know that i am fucked up but this is me and i hate it...

After a few minutes i decided to went to his house. I knocked on the door. Nobody answer i knocked again and then nobody answered again and i just decided to open the door. It was unlocked. I shivered. I went to Andy's room he wasn't there, neither in the living room nor in the kitchen. His mother wasn't in there too. Then i went to the bathroom when i opened the door, my heart just broke into billion pieces from the view that i saw in front of me...

Ok so guys i don't like how i am writing and i think that it's awful but i am trying so yeah sorry if you don't like it. Go and check Aylin's book "Only you" if you haven't already. It's literally so good. Trust me xdd. Oh and really soon she will start writing a new one and it will be for Mikey and someone who will become very special for him and yeah ;) XD Bye for now aliens xx❤❤❤

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