"I love you the most."

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*smut warning*

(Rye's Pov)
I couldn't take it anymore. Yeah i am just a jerk. But he cheated me oh got i can't just move on. Oh why it has to be so hard...yeah i love him but he cheated om me omg...i know i told him that i will never leave him and that i will love him forever but he cheated i can't just ignore it j tried so hard but i can't...yeah the blame was mine but why he has to cheat on me...

My phone rang and interrupted my thoughts. It was Aylin. She asked me about that with andy.
"Are you together again?"
"Yeah...kind of but i can't do this like he cheated on me and it hurts it fucking hurts. Sometimes i just want to break up with him. Just to leave him and never go back again...i think i am gonna break up with him and after a while we can be something more but for now i jist can't ignore the fact he cheated on me...i tried to not care but it's just too hard for me to act like it's nothing important." I said while i felt tears forming in my eyes.
"Ok...i know i understand you. But are you sure you want to break up with him? You love him Rye, don't do stupid things." She told me but i was just too hurt.
"Yeah i think i want to...and thanks for the support i love you." I said holding back my tears.
"Love u too. Well i have to go now but maybe we can talk later?" She said.
"Yeah ofc." I said as i hang up the phone. Then i just sat on Andy's bed and criedm. Suddenly i felt so tired. I laid down and closed my eyes. I fastly fell asleep.

(Andy's Pov)
I was crying for so long but when i stopped i wanted to go to him and tell him that it wasn't real and yeah. But then i looked into my phone. There was a message from Mikey. I froze.

Mikey: Aylin told me...i am sorry that he has broken up with you. I am really sorry...
Me: what? He hasn't
Me: if this is some kind of joke it is stupid so stop...
Mikey: no it's not trust me. Aylin talked with Rye a few minutes ago and i decided to tell you i just want you two to be ok...
Me: what...really?
Mikey: yeah asked her if you want
Me: no i am fine thanks that you told me
Mikey: np i guess

I decided to text Aylin because i wasn't sure if he was telling the truth and yeah.
Me: hey mikey told me that you have told him that Rye wanted to break up with me is it true...does he really want to break up with me...?
Aylin: oh andy i am sorry i just wanna help you...you should really talk to him please
Me: so it's true
Aylin: i am so sorry andy
Me: it's okay thanks

Then i just turned off the phone. I started cryibg so hard and loud. I couldn't stop. I was so scared. I wanted to go to him but i just couldn't. Omg i am the worst...
After an hour i was still crying a bit and i went one time to see Rye but he was sleeping so i came back in here and continued crying. Suddenly i heard the bedroom door openning. Rye was standing next to the door. He just looked at me and then turned his head on the other side. He started walking towards the front door. Omg he is gonna leave. I should stop him.
"Rye wait..." i said as he stopped walking. He turned to face me.
"What?" He said cold and numb.
"Where are you going?" I asked him already crying.
"At Annie's house."he said.
"Why?" I asked him.
"Look Andy...we can't be together...i am sorry i know what i said last night but i can't i am really sorry maybe one day we will be together again but now you are chaos to my thoughts and i am posion to your heart." He said as my heart broke into bilion pieces.
"Rye please don't..."i was crying and my voice was cracking. "Please Rye don't leave me i need you i fucking need you." I said while i tried to controll my breath because i was shivering. I was scared. I started walking towards him as he was looking at me. "So you will leave me because i cheated on you...yeah you are right i am the worst i should be left behind and forgotten...never forgiven..." i stopped to take a deep breath. "I am sorry Rye. I will never do this again...i promise you. Trust me Rye...please give me another chance. I gave you, now please Rye. I am begging you not to go...please don't leave me." I said while i was crying so hard it was even hard to breath...and he was just standing there and not doing anything. "Rye please say something..." i begged him. But he didn't say anything. I went to him and grabbed his hands. He was looking at me so numb and angry. "Rye i know you wanna punch me. Do it Rye! Punch me and make me fucking shut up, make me regret cheating on you...make me regret being in love with you..." i was crying so hard i was yelling at him as he just stood there. Then i felt my knees weak. I couldn't take it anymore. I was shaking. I was exhausted. I was going to fall but then Rye caught me. I was so dizzy. He picked me up like a baby and brought me to the couch. We both were sitting looking into each others eyes.
"I am sorry Rye." I spoke up. He still not giving me answer. I almost gave up begging him to speak but then he spoke up.
"Andy...listen. i want to be with you. You can't imagine how much i want to kiss you right now and forget about all the drama and these stupid things. But i can't you did it because i lied to you. What if i lied to you again? Will you cheat on me? But this time idk with Annie or Aylin? I just...maybe i need time to forgive you." He said as he sighted. I saw tears forming in his eyes.
"If you want time i will give you time as much as you need. But please stay here and don't leave me. If it will make it more comfortable to you i am not gonna kiss you, i am gonna sleep with you and i am not gonna tell you how much i love you even though i want so much, i can stop talking with you if you want. Like you said you need time and you won't understand i am here but just please don't leave me please Rye..." i said as he looked at me shocked but didn't say anything. Then i couldn't stop myself but cried so much. I was so angry at myself and so sad because he couldn't forgive me for cheating on him and he was right. It is unforgivable even though it was because he lied to me. I shouldn't do it...i am the worst."I-i am-m really s-so sorry Rye...i h-hate myself i am-m sorry p-please forgive me...please R-Rye. You are e-everything to me. You m-mean the world to m-me. I c-can't imagine living w-without you p-please Rye don't l-leave, stay here w-with me i n-need you, i w-want you and i l-love you R-Rye...please i am s-sorry..." i said between sobs crying so hard and loud. I couldn't talk properly and i couldn't breath normally. "P-please Rye...i-i love you so much d-don't do this d-don't leave m-me...p-please..." i tried to speak but it was hard because of the crying. I hid my face in my hands and cried. Then he did something that shocked me. He pulled my hands away from my face and intertwined our fingers. We were looking into each others eyes for so long. He gave me a small smile and sighted. Oh no i know that after this is not coming anything good...
"I won't leave you." He whispered. "I can't hate you and you shoudln't hate yourself. Yeah it was stupid to cheat on me but maybe the blame was mine. I made you feel bad i am sorry. It's my fault..." he said but i interrupted him." No Rye it's not. Trust me. I am the bad please don't blame yourself..." i tried to say but he hugged me and i gasped new tears coming in my eyes. I hugged him back.
"Yeah i needed time to forgive you but now after all these things that you said and all the tears that fell from your eyes...i can see that you understand your fault..." he said but i interrupted him again." Yeah i know it please i am so sorry...please forgive me..." i said tears falling from my eyes but he put his index finger on my mouth.
"Shshsh. Can i say what i want without you interrupting me all the time?" He smiled as i giggled a little."Yeah i am sorry." I said as he continued talking.
"So i was going to say that...i can see that you know your fault and that you did it because of me...i am sorry really. I need you too Andy." He said and took a deep breath. "But..." oh no...i knew it he won't forgive me omg...i started crying again looking down to my hands.
"But...unfortunately i can't hide it i can't hide that i love you and i don't even know why i was so angry with you, yeah you cheated but you are sorry and i know you won't do it again and besides the blame was mine so yeah." he said as i couldn't stop crying. I was shocked i didn't want to look at him. "S-so you f-forgive me?" I stuttered. He didn't say anything but he put his hands on my cheeks and forced me to look at him. "Of course i forgive you baby. I love you so much i won't leave you i just can't because i need you so much." He said in quiet voice. "I love you to Rye." I said as he hugged me. I was still crying and he hugged me more thight. "I love you Andy so much please don't cry i am sorry that i put you in this i was just angry and confused i am sorry." He said as his voice cracked.
"Hey don't be sorry it's not your fault and can we just not talk but cuddle or idk if you want to cuddle..." i said.
"Of course i want to but before that..." he pulled from the hug and looked at my eyes. He wiped the tears from my cheeks and leant to kiss me.

A Lie Caused By Love [COMPLETED]/{FIRST BOOK}Where stories live. Discover now