Chapter One

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A high-pitched shrieking of some sort rattles obnoxiously against her eardrum and her body instinctively jumps off the warm mattress in search of the sound, ignoring her pounding temples and inability to actually open her eyes. That's when she realizes she's falling, and she's fucked.

"Oooooof," she groans involuntarily as her bare back smacks brutally against the ice-cold wooden floor.

Her eyes tightly squeeze together as the shooting pain disperses violently against her spine all while that damn shrieking still rings loudly through the room. She scrambles quickly to her knees and finally pries open her eyes, squinting terribly against the warm morning sun beating through the windows.

Her very naked breasts press into the mattress as her hands drag against the cool white linen in search for her phone that insists on screaming just to agitate her deadly hangover. She lifts the thin sheet and locates her phone lighting up against a smooth pale back. The long-exposed flesh is still rhythmically rising and falling at a slow and steady pace, informing her that her one-night stand is still very much asleep.

Her nose crinkles out of fear of being caught as she slowly reaches out and snatches her phone back. She quickly answers the call to ensure that the person won't call back immediately. She pulls away from the bed and abruptly jumps to her feet, cradling the phone between her shoulder and her cheek as she rummages the hardwood floor for her discarded clothes from the previous night.

"Hello? Hold on one sec," she whispers into the phone as she gathers her sundress and flimsy flip flops, wincing at the hoarseness disrupting her voice.

She glances over her shoulder to find the messy blonde bun still firmly pressed into the pillow, drawing out a slow and deep exhale from her lips. The sheet is barely clinging to the woman's prominent hip bone, covering up her cute little bottom. Her spine is slowly making itself known with every breath she takes.

Thank god she's still asleep.

"Why are you whispering? What is going on over there? Are you behaving or am I going to have to drag you back home?" Her father's stern voice interrupts her trance that's so fixated on the cute blonde still miraculously asleep.

She smiles one last time in Tink's direction before she slips out of her bedroom and softly closes the door behind her. Now that she's completely sober, she's fairly certain that woman faked named her. Honestly, what the hell kind of name is Tink anyhow?

"I'm fine dad," she insists as she slips her legs back into her dress and wiggles her body hazardously until she's fully dressed. "Why are you calling so early?" She demands as she tosses her sandals onto the floor and slides her feet into position.

From the other side of the door, she hears a groan informing her that the blonde is beginning to wake up causing her eyes to double in size as her feet instinctively scurry toward the front door. She knows her father is on one of his rants in her ear, but all she can comprehend is the pounding of blood in her ears from the fear of being caught sneaking out at six o'clock in the morning.

Her hand slowly reaches out for the doorknob and at a snail like pace, she opens the door just far enough for her slim frame to slip out. She softly closes the front door, jumps off the deck and runs as fast as her lazy feet can carry her.

"Dammit Emma, answer me!"

"What?" She snaps back, fully annoyed from her nosy father and his insistent ways while she's practically dying from a hangover.

Her temples are beating harder than any drum in a rock band and her mouth tastes as though she inhaled a dumpster truck last night. Her heart is racing faster than her feet, in a marathon to her first heart attack. She can smell the alcohol seeping through her pours along with sweat and sex from her one-night stand and she can only assume what her hair looks like right now. Instantly, her hand reaches out to force her unruly waves back down, even though she knows there is no taming those locks after the wild sex she encountered last night.

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