Chapter Nine

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Monday morning snuck up on them far too quickly, forcing everyone into an awful funk that they all pretended they didn't notice. The atmosphere was heavy, thick with awkward tension knowing what tomorrow was going to bring. It truly felt like a dark grey, ugly, storm cloud was following around the small family the entire day.

For Mr. and Mrs. Mills, their hearts were aching of the uncertainty of the future. Regina hardly traveled to Sicily anymore to visit since school had been her top priority. So, the week spent with their daughter was bittersweet. They were thrilled to see their daughter after almost one year apart, but the time spent was never enough and the torment they felt in their hearts would soon return again when she would say goodbye Tuesday morning.

For herself, well, Emma was in too deep. She knew they only had one week together, but she never thought that bumping into Regina Mills would set her heart on fire and turn her world upside down. That's all it took, one week, less than seven days actually, to fall recklessly, head over heels for the smart mouthed, highly intelligent, Italian speaking, sex goddess. She couldn't be more perfect even if she tried and Emma is an absolute fool for her.

As much as she would love to call this trip to an end and follow the brunette back to the states, she knows that wouldn't be wise on her part. She came to Europe for a reason and obviously her long stay in Sicily was all for a reason as well. However, her time there is not complete, and it would be careless and irresponsible of her to end her once in a life time opportunity for a week-long romance.

Cora cooked an elaborate breakfast that morning, complete with omelettes, fruit, pastries and exquisite lattes. The woman usually cooks breakfast, but this time she really out did herself. Like clockwork, her and Regina cleaned up the mess in return and soon found themselves strolling into the village.

They spent that morning with Cora and Henry, walking through the town, admiring all the shops and almost everything Catania has to offer. The older couple walked hand in hand as Regina and Emma kept a respectable distance, never once revealing the intimacy they share when Regina's parents are not around. Emma felt that type of affection, after only knowing each other for one week, it would be inappropriate in front of her parents, even if Cora knew.

They spent the afternoon laughing and trying on different articles of clothing, but never purchasing anything. Henry made them stop for a small lunch at a local cafe that he adores, but their stomachs were still full from breakfast. So, they indulged in the famous coffees and espresso drinks that any American would be ecstatic to try and enjoyed the summer breeze outside while they held a light conversation.

When the late afternoon crept upon them, they headed back to the farm, so Henry and Cora could prepare another extravagant dinner as a farewell for Regina.

After the lasagna with homemade Sicilian sauce, the freshest salad Emma has ever tasted and far too much oven baked bread, they spent most of the evening chitchatting with Cora and Henry over wine.

"I really should get to bed. I have to be up at four in the morning," Regina sadly announces around ten o'clock, causing a sharp pain to jab unexpectedly through Emma's heart.

"I understand," Cora offers through sorrowful eyes and a very prominent pout. "Make sure you wake us, I still would like to say goodbye one more time before you go."

Regina nods as she rises from the couch, her feet sluggishly padding across the floor to meet her parents for their first set of goodbye hugs. They whisper how much they love her and how proud they are and Emma's heart breaks all over again.

"Don't stay up too late gabbing away you two," Henry playfully scolds, draping his arm lovingly over his wife's shoulders. Cora clenches his hand and stares at Regina like she may never see her again and there goes what little heart Emma has remained intact.

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