Chapter Twenty-Six

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"How are my babies?" Regina softly whispers, leaning into the phone like she's expecting to be able to hold her family or at least smell the sweet baby aroma that's filling Emma's nostrils.

Emma's lips crack into a loving smile as she studies the way those brown eyes consume their son, memorizing every detail of his tiny face.

"We are good. I'm still sore, but it's not too bad. This little guy is going to have his first bath tonight," she playfully sing-songs as Regina's eyes sparkle with amusement. "I'm a little nervous, not gonna lie. He's super tiny," she squeals, creating the most adorable giggle from Regina's mouth. "But your mom said she will help me. I'm going to have your dad record it and then I'll send it to you."

"You better, I don't want to miss out on his first bath. I don't want to miss a thing, day or night you better send me everything," Regina scolds, her eyes narrowing pointedly, just daring her to slip up just once.

"When are you coming to visit?" Emma investigates, her hand methodically stroking Henry's silky soft hair as he lays asleep upon her chest.

"It was very hard to convince the team that my son was just born in Sicily," she rolls those stubborn brown eyes while Emma laughs lightly, conscious not to wake her sleeping baby. "But after a few pictures, I was able to book a week starting March first."

"Oh my god, Regina, that's only a week away, I'm so excited."

"I know," she sighs heavily as though a weight has finally been lifted off her shoulders and for some reason Emma has an inkling that maybe Regina was worried the hospital wouldn't grant her the time she requested. "I booked the first available flight right after my last shift, so I don't waste any time. I can't wait to hold him, Em."

"When's Regina coming?" Cora calls from the kitchen, nosy as ever, but Emma should have known she was listening to their conversation.

"March first," she yells back and winces in fear that she just woke a sleeping baby, the biggest no-no in the parenting guide. "Oh god," she whispers, "is he still sleeping?" She inquires, since Henry's head is tucked securely under her neck and she can't see his face because the phone is only showing him at the moment.

"He is," Regina smiles adoringly and scoots even closer to the screen like maybe, by some magical power, she will be able to reach through the phone and actually touch him. "Emma, have you talked to Neal, yet?" And the sternest in her tone encourages Emma to move the camera so they are now face to face.

"Regina I just got home last night," she whines, but her girlfriend's face expresses just how much she doesn't give a damn. "Fine," she huffs as her fingers trail gentle touches against her son's back for a distraction. "I'll call him tonight."

"You have to Em-" Regina abruptly stops speaking as her eyes drift away from the phone.

"Dammit Regina, you know that lunch time means eat and get back on the floor," someone coldly remarks toward her girlfriend and she can only assume it's Belfrey.

"I know you believe that, but it's the only time where I know I will have a minute to see my son," Regina just as frigidly snaps back, prompting Emma's heart to beat with pride for her amazing girlfriend.

"Oh, that's right, you claim this mysterious girlfriend of yours had a baby," the woman quips with nothing but malice lacing her words and only infuriating Regina even more.

"Yes, she is so mysterious," Regina sarcastically retorts as she flips the phone around for her mentor to finally come face to face with the mysterious girlfriend. "Emma, this is Dr. Belfrey, Dr. Belfrey this is my girlfriend, Emma, and our son, Henry."

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