Chapter Twenty-Two

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Regina's gentle arms are holding her close, but conscious of the baby that's filling her stomach. Her perky breasts are pressed firmly against Emma's back as her warm breath tickles the back of her neck. Emma was always the big spoon in their relationship over the summer, but now she's enjoying their reversed roles because she knows this woman is keeping her and her son safe. She squirms in closer to her embrace, but the woman doesn't budge. Emma's heart races as too many nightmares cloud her judgement, reminding her that she's had this exact dream too many times to count and this is probably just her subconscious at play again.

Her mind races as she tries to wake herself up from this teasing dream. Another horrific nightmare of her wishing Regina was there holding her close and promising for a better tomorrow. Her heart panics, forcing her body to jerk forward in bed and gasp for air.

"Emma," Regina gasps as she too flings forward in bed with her. "What's wrong? Are you okay? Is the baby okay?" She quickly blurts out as she, herself, is trying to fully wake up from her deep slumber.

"You're here," she acknowledges out loud to confirm that this wasn't some dream and that the love of her life is actually there with her.

"Yes, I'm here," Regina sleepily verifies, her lips moving in close to peck parted lips and solidify her answer.

Those plump lips lightly brush against Emma's, still lazy and half asleep. Emma savors the moment and takes an extra second to memorize the velvety feel of her flesh. She pushes a little further, so she can feel the small indent of the scar that graces her upper lip. She sighs in relief when her mind fully wakes up and registers that Regina in fact is there.

Regina doesn't stop though, she continues to kiss her deeply as her hands guide Emma back down into the warm sheets below. Her right hand cups Emma's cheek while the blonde stretches behind her to continue kissing her while she remains the little spoon.

Emma hums in full appreciation that Regina is there with her and deepens the kiss even further, forcing her tongue into that smart mouth. She quickly becomes winded, prompting her to reluctantly break the heated kiss. Regina smiles like she can't believe she is there with her either and places one more kiss to her lips.

Regina falls into the space behind Emma again and snuggles in even closer to her back. Her hand tentatively rests upon her hip and Emma can so easily tell that she doesn't know where to place her hand because of the baby. She wants to move that hand and wrap it around her entire body, but then her crazy hormones kick in and she becomes highly aware of how close those fingers are to her neglected core.

Her skin becomes hypersensitive beneath the faint touch against her hip bone. Regina's thumb is slowly caressing her naked skin in a soothing manner, but her mind is screaming for her lover to touch her where she's been deprived for four long months. She's not exactly sure if it's wise that she is rushing to sleep together again, but her core is already growing hot and sticky just begging for those talented fingers.

Without another thought, she presses her naked bottom into the bare mound behind her, eliciting a small moan to tumble from her lips without her consent. Regina's fingers grip her hip bone like she's trying to steady herself from being completely consumed by her own arousal. Much to Emma's disappointment, Regina doesn't move those magical fingers to where she needs her most. Another wave of arousal floods Emma's core, soaking her folds and screaming out that she needs the beautiful brunette.

Again, she presses her bottom firmly into the woman behind her, silently demanding that she touches her like she used to. Regina finally takes the bait and slowly glides her hand over the hip, below her ever-growing stomach and down to her mound. She's seven months pregnant and all too aware of the fact that she hasn't been keeping up with her grooming down there. She stiffens, feeling slightly self-conscious, but then those fingers are grazing her desperate entrance and all those taunting thoughts vanish immediately.

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